Reviews for Hate and Sadism
kissmedeadly123 chapter 9 . 3/12/2010
*o* You are officially my favorite author!
J chapter 9 . 2/18/2010
Excellent story! Can't wait to read the next chapter!
partie traumatic chapter 8 . 1/3/2010
I really like your 's very 't wait for the next chapter.
Veneya chapter 8 . 12/31/2009
plzz continue this story, i can't wait for the lemons!:)
Reni chapter 8 . 12/16/2009
Mann..I hope u have sum lemons for the futur chapters...I can't wait!plzz update soon,I absolutely loved this story so far:)
dorome chapter 8 . 8/2/2009
That is quite mean, a cliffy after such a long time. But i am curious so please update soon.
YoMommaBiatch chapter 5 . 8/1/2009
uhm. chapter 4 & 5 are the same thing..?

but yeah, besides that;; AWESOME!

woah woah woah!

what the h* is kevin doing?

dorome chapter 7 . 7/10/2009
hey, i am curious, will they finally work out their problems and get together?

please update soon, i like this story.
YoMommaBiatch chapter 7 . 7/2/2009
i like it ]