Reviews for A Golden Flake
Sakurachibi08 chapter 12 . 2/1/2011
Me likey the Deathly Embrace,
Your Execution chapter 17 . 10/13/2009
Ohhmahgod This story was wonderful :D completely awesome.
LaMeO1 chapter 18 . 8/22/2009
this story was really awesome

i loved reading it.

i hope you write a sequel

Elise Cromwell chapter 18 . 8/5/2009
aha, i love it! i'm sad it's over, but the ending was great!
thispresentdarkness chapter 15 . 8/5/2009
I think you should do Deathly Embrace. i like the stories where its like the girl runs into someone like the devil or, like your story, Death himself. have you read "The Story You Shouldn't Know" by bingo yet? i think you should, because these two stories are probably my favorite, yours and hers. keep writing!
AlijaS117 chapter 18 . 8/4/2009
Alejandro died? anyways that was a good ending!
TERMINATED chapter 18 . 8/4/2009
Great... Death.

That really cheared me up.

Sorry but my Uncle just died hours ago and my other Uncle is barely alive. He's critically ill and we fear this may push him over the edge.
disappearing in the shadow chapter 18 . 8/4/2009
i cant believe u ended it lyk dat. gosh.

hahahah its okay. :/ (so im kinda lying there but yeahh)

btw cant wait 4 new stories. ahahahah xD
Amaury chapter 18 . 8/4/2009
This was AMAZING.

I sat here just reading. Geez.

And (read your profile) for 14 you are very talented.

I'll have to check out some more of your work.

The characters were great. Especially Xavier- ha, I liked his personality.

It's really over? x: Gah. I'm glad I found this when I did.

Excellent job.
atl.wtk chapter 16 . 7/29/2009
I cant wait for the next chapter! you got me completly hooked. Hurry up writing the next chapter please(:
cndysweetmss chapter 11 . 7/29/2009
This was a really good chapter. You are a very good writer!
cndysweetmss chapter 5 . 7/29/2009
Best Story ever!
emmasofie chapter 15 . 7/26/2009
hey! i'd really like to read A Deathly Embrace, it seems really cool (:

so yah. (:


Elise Cromwell chapter 15 . 7/25/2009
OMG! they kissed, finally! that totally topped this day as the best ever!(:

as for your question...i really don't know. they all sound pretty good...i guess i'd have to say either a deathly embrace, or the seven deadly games of marsine.
MusicallyJ chapter 15 . 7/24/2009
no i didn't want her with Xavier

ohh well
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