Reviews for Don't Bleed
Gabrielle Daven chapter 1 . 6/14/2009
Great story idea! I hope you haven't given up on this, and your other story - I've been waiting to read more!
Deleted Nothing Here chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
You're on to a really great start, and this is one of the most original plots I've seen in the Supernatural section. So far, I love it.

You should probably think about getting a beta to fix problems with grammar and flow, or at least add some more description to beef up the story a bit. A lot of times, it seemed like a bunch of "he said, she said," without much explanation of what the characters were doing. You also might want to vary the way you begin your sentences because a good amount of them begin with "she."

Don't get me wrong; this is an incredibly cool story, but a beta would really help.

I look forward to more, and please update soon! )
Black Wolf's Shadow chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
Interesting idea, definitely not one I've heard much of before. Please continue.
Sassychassy chapter 1 . 5/30/2009
This is very good. I enjoyed reading this. You are very articulate about pulling your audience in and spitting to them the harsh life millions of teens out there who are bullied & ridiculed...keep it up. One quick question though... why are they going to school in the summer?