Reviews for Evil
myrrine chapter 16 . 7/29/2011
Once again, much has happened! (I'm commenting on here instead of LP since it's not up there yet)

Love the Kellan and Shay interaction and so much happened, but I have to say this chapter almost moved TOO fast. I think you could have gone into more detail with each of the scenes you presented-mainly the Kellan and Shay kitchen scene and Kellan's interrogation of the demons. But on a positive note, this chapter moved this story right along. I get the feeling that we are fast approaching a climax! Great work as usual!
Daphne.Claire chapter 16 . 7/29/2011
I'm really feeling the mature rating come into play here. Kind of torn; while i'm bouncing in my seat at the thought of them finally together, i'm not exactly digging the fact that it feels as if their relationship is taking a turn towards being purely physical. not criticism or anything, i realize that they have have had feelings for each other than lust but that was during the stage when they were transitioning from bro/sis into a more romantic relationship. i know its extremely unrealistic to imagine a relationship with a demon not be heavily doused in overtures of sexual tension but i really hope it doesn't end up overpowering the more important emotion, the thing that really keeps me reading, the thing that keeps from focusing on my SAT prep:love.

Anyway off of that, i probably will be rereading this chapter 'til the next one comes out. Can't wait!

Ravina chapter 16 . 7/29/2011
How come this is up on FP but I don't see it on LJ? :(

I think these are typos: "should love you" and "know you love you"; aren't they both supposed to be "love me"?

But wow, this chapter was so hot! Kellan just keeps sounding better and better (yes, I'm ignoring the lie he told; I'm going to assume he's just trying to protect Shay like usual).

Not to mention the other supernatural aspects - Shay using her powers subconsciously at the beginning, the demon battle,'re really weaving a great (and detailed) world! I have to say, this is now my favourite story of yours! :D

Your eerily stalkerish fan,

lilac.jasmine chapter 15 . 7/24/2011
OMG I totally love you right now for your multi-chapter update! 3 And man am I hooked! I totally forgot that this was supposed to also be a romantic story and so with these chapter updates you just did I just realized how strong the romantic relationship is between Shay and Kellan. On another note, may I just say that this is the first story that I've read in awhile where I couldn't really guess where it was going at all! There's just so many twists and turns in this story that just keep me guessing and hanging on to the story. *siiiigh* Definitely in love with this story! 3 :) Anyway, I shall be awaiting your next few chapters! :D
Daphne.Claire chapter 15 . 7/22/2011
wow, just wow. these past chapters have been amazing, didnt htink i culd get any more upset with this story. thank you for finally updating and with so many chapters. I absolutely can not wait for the next chapters. take ur time tho, if what ur going to update next is going to be as good as these last few its worth the wait.

let.this.go chapter 11 . 6/27/2011
Thanks for the awesome updates! I can't wait for the next chapter.
runwayx23 chapter 11 . 6/25/2011
I'm intrigued! I love the tension between Shay and Kellan. It's actually palpable and has me anticipating every new sentence. I definitely haven't read a story like this before, and that's one of the things I love about it. It's so original, and I haven't been able to predict anything really. But I do want Shay and Kellan to be together!
lilac.jasmine chapter 11 . 6/25/2011
OMG if I were sitting right now instead of reading this while lying in bed I might actually say that I'm on the edge of my seat ready to fall off from how big this cliffhanger is! lol Just...WOW. Sometimes there's no other words to describe a chapter. Definitely did not see ANY of this Kellan stuff happening at all. Totally mind blowing. I'd say to update soon, but I'm kind of liking this whole three chapters around the same day update deal. Anyway, good job so far! Can't wait for more chapters! :)
morpheusandmuse chapter 11 . 6/25/2011
love the sexual tension between shay and kellan! I have a feeling that this story will be your best supernatural yet!
Tecna chapter 11 . 6/25/2011
This is so cool!

I love it! It's definitely unique and original, which I totally admire, and I just can't to see this story progress even more.

I am completely rooting for Kellan and Shay as a couple, and I really, really wanna see their relationship progress. I can't wait to see what's going to happen between them

But I kinda suspected from near beginning that Shay was a little opposite to them. It just totally rocks! Hehe, I'm babbling. Bad habit when I get too excited. So, please hurry and post the next chapters. I love this fic!

Tecna ;)
Charlee Rayne chapter 8 . 6/1/2011
so confusing... is gus going to go against her? What is she? And what's going on between her and Kellan?
lalonely chapter 8 . 5/31/2011
I quit reading fictionpress stories a long time ago. I still get emails from my favorite authors (you!) and I must have been really bored or really curious but I started reading Evil.


OH MY GOODNESSS this is sooo good so far. I was so sad you only have up to chapter 8. forget about editing and post the whole book. You've hooked me in.

AHH i just spend a good 20mins trying to retrieve my password so I can leave a review which sadly doesn't even come close to telling you have deeply affected I am by this story so far.

please update us soon.
Reverie-enchantee chapter 5 . 5/30/2011
Hello Tijan,

I read the last chapter first and the last but one and finally I've been reading from the beginning. Here I stopped after reading these first five chapters without interruption. In chapter 4, I was thinking of the mind game and the fight between two characters of Sentiment Lost, especially describing how strong she fought against her destiny. I have the feeling that the paintings will unfold the story, her story. My question is whether Kellan or his family/enemy will see them. That art teacher seems strange also. What if Kellan would protect her, I should say, to his death until she comes to or for her to come to her full power? What if the three angels were these three brothers and sisters even though it sounds strange. What are they so afraid of? Even weirder, I'm thinking right now of the usual image of angels and demons (the three of them seem to look like angel while she looks like a demon with her black hair and green eye) what if after she gets fully empowered, the moment turns them into protective angels ? I can't fully explain it, just an idea _

What I don't understand is her sudden mistrust of Kellan because, so far, he appears to help her decide what side she wants to commit herself to. Plus she is the one who just lie to him twice. Funny how schools are the center of evil/good battle.
Tecna chapter 8 . 5/30/2011
Wow! This fic has me hooked.

I really want to know what this big secret is! Even though I'm trying to figure out what it might be, I feel like I'm not even coming close.

Somehow, I have this weird feeling that whatever you have planned is going to throw me in a loop.

Hm. I wonder whether that's a good thing.

Well, I'll just wait and see, like everybody else )

Tecna ;)
ponponcake chapter 8 . 5/30/2011
I love it! Still not sure what the heck she is though haha..was thinking of something along the lines of an angel or angel hybrid or some kind of anti-demon creature :P Loved the ending of this chapter, I thought the metaphor was really interesting about the students all being like dumb animals :) Looking forward to the next update!~
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