Reviews for Dear Felicia
Suzuka chapter 1 . 6/5/2017
why did you removed the story
Lucy chapter 19 . 6/5/2017
Hey, where are the other chapters? I want to read...
Bianca chapter 34 . 5/18/2017
Amazing chapter!
Nathaniel chapter 1 . 5/17/2017
Hello, where is other chapters? Why you removed? ( I want to read...
Miranda chapter 1 . 5/31/2016
you totally broke my heart with this story
Guest chapter 57 . 4/6/2016
Hello darling, I have read your story many times and I just can not fathom why you haven't published it. Personally, I would buy this just so I could take it where my phone can not. You are extremely talented and this book is a work of art. You may not even look at the reviews anymore for this story but I just had to express my gratitude for such amazing work. I hope that you continue to share your beautiful gift with the world because, let's face it, the world needs a bit more beauty in it.
LovelessMarie chapter 57 . 2/25/2016
I don't even know what to say. This is the best book I've read in quite a while. It's so riddled with tragedy yet so joyful. The ending was perfect! I knew when she fell in love with Gregory that she still wouldn't marry him. Her character is just too strong willed. I loved this with all my heart and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect ending even if they didn't get married. Although, secretly in my head, I imagine Felicia coming back after five years or so and she finds that Gregory waited for her.
ajashire1 chapter 57 . 10/30/2015
Fuck I'm crying.

This is one of the most amazing stories I've ever read. I was captured by it immediately, yet unlike Felicia I didn't want to be free. I have so much to say about this story, and at the same time nothing at all. I feel as though my words won't do it justice.

Felicia had experienced so much. It choked me up realizing that I technically spent four years with her. Just moment ago she was a young slave trying to keep her head above water and now she a free woman that will go wherever the road leads.

Your character development is also something to be held in high regard. Every experience in Felicia's life was leading her to this moment, not to mention those she meant on the way.
Nicholas (both)
Lord Henry
Lady Haley
Sir Godwin
Micheal and his family
All these people (and horse) made Felicia the woman she is. I'm glad to have witnessed it.

Thank you for writing this truly brilliant story, I hope to never forget it.

(P.S Lol If I had known that this story would pull at my feeling parts I would have brought some tissue.)
Guest chapter 57 . 7/25/2015
I have read and reread this story several times. It is beautiful. The ending that you created was eloquent and heartbreaking. I myself was hoping that Felcia would receive her dream through out the story. I am extremely impressed that at such a young age you had such a story inside your mind. I have reviewed this story once before begging that you publish this work of art. So here I am again pleading that you publish this book so that I may read and reread the physical copy till it falls apart.
Julietish chapter 1 . 8/31/2014
Hi! It's Juliet from A Drop of Romeo. When this story was featured on ADoR, this review was written for it: Wow. That was all I could think after reading this story. It was just so perfect. The idea itself was so impressive and original, that I found myself hooked from the very beginning. Her characters are so funny and beautiful. Felicia and her friends are the people you want to be your friends, the type of people you feel a connection to. The banter she creates between them will make you laugh until you're about to pee, and the terrible situations she puts them in will make you want to cry. This contrast in the story, the mixture of happy and sad, raises the story to a whole new level. You should be warned, this story is long, but it is so well written and perfectly addictive, that you won't sleep till you finish. And when you do, her ending will keep you thinking.
sadiekanetheevilmarshmallow chapter 57 . 2/26/2014
This is so awesom freaking God?
U r an awesome writer
Don't let anyone let you think otherwise
sunny chapter 57 . 10/31/2013
Looks like they're getting rid of my link...

sunny chapter 57 . 10/31/2013
Read this book a long time ago and thought you might like to see my blog post about it:
Black is Beautiful chapter 57 . 10/7/2013
Really loved reading this story the characters and plot were really enjoying to read about!
Guest chapter 57 . 9/22/2013
I knew she was going to choose that in the end, and while I'm happy for her, I still ache to think what could've been ya know, I've grown to love all the good men Felicia has met especially Nicholas since he was the first and now he's gone:( I'm glad Leslie has finally gotten her happy ending. You've made me smile, laugh, angry, fearful, left me in suspense, and finally, what I consider worst of all, you made me cry T_T This story and characters will never leave my heart. After reading this I finally realized what my favorite quote in the world is: "The person who reads lives a thousand lives before they die, a person who never reads lives only one". I understood what it meant, but never fully grasped or really comprehended it until now. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this story.
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