Reviews for So Typical
Derek Robinson chapter 1 . 10/19/2017
I think this book has been stolen from you and published under a couple of names. Sameer Shahnewaz on Goodreads and Martha Greenwood on Amazon. I hope that you will take action against these companies as I find it outrageous that people can get away with this.
CalistaSeraphina chapter 15 . 4/17/2016
This is getting better and better...
Tleblanc9 chapter 16 . 7/19/2015
First off story is pretty good. However this chapter's facts got me annoyed. First off if you are gonna try to describe a football game atleast know what the hell you are talking about. (front rows, instead of offensive and defensive lines.) as well as the concussion grades there are only 3 different levels of concussions not 7.
Sqweirdo chapter 24 . 12/29/2014
I really like your story. But really, the ending was just that? No offense, but you left everything out. Scarlett needs to tell Tristan about the sex, if she isn't going to then she doesn't have faith in relationship, plus she's not supposed to be keeping a secret from Tristan.

Well, that's just it. I really like your story.
Dumbledork101 chapter 12 . 9/25/2013
Love the story and the characters!
Angry Elf chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Martha Greenwood has stolen your work on Amazon. She didn't even be bothered to changed the summary or names. The editor "Paul Luong" is involved in multiple thefts from FP.
Myght Dyno chapter 25 . 6/16/2013
All I have to say is this story is great, from the first chapter to the finale!
SecondsTillWakingHour chapter 1 . 6/5/2013
I am really surprised that "Scarlett, Meghan, Kate, and Ginny, were the only students in the entire school who actually cared about their grades." I would think some parents would be on their children' s backs about school.
Scarlet really judges people without knowing them, doesn't she?

Lovely opening, very intriguing.
Secrets chapter 24 . 6/2/2013
Wow girl all your stories are connected somehow and I've read 2 -or was it 3?- of ur stories!

like you're dying ( loved it btw :)
to know me ( *squeals* it was one of my gave stories!)
typical ( huh, whatdya know I read 3 stories!)

And right now I'm reading 'get used to it' and starting 'completely normal'
Secrets chapter 23 . 6/2/2013
THANK FREAKIN' GOD, finally they're together :D
Secrets chapter 18 . 6/2/2013
...OMFG! those fucking,sadistic,jerk-y,cowardly bastards!
Who hits a girl, I mean sure I called her a bitch an'all but no one deserves that! :'(
Guest chapter 17 . 6/2/2013
*gasp* ugh I hate Scarlett oh so much right now! I mean who the hell does that, u know other than bitches, slut etc..

P.S to the author: tristan was NKT scarlett's 1st kiss! 'cuz if he was then what happens to the 'making out with' francis thing?
missyb1988 chapter 25 . 11/7/2012
Just wow I freaking loved this story was totally glued to it and I can't wait to read the sequel completely normal it sounds amazing the story line and characters just sucked me in like the story code purple you truly are a talented writer youv'e got me hooked :)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
U forgot my group in middle/high school- the loners by choice who live for sarcasm and cynicism and only talk to each other, we happen to b intelligent as well and obsessively nonconformist. (No jk we exist)
Amy Stardust chapter 24 . 7/9/2012
I'm so excited for the sequel! XD

I wish I could read Code Purple, but I tried and I couldn't take the M-ness. :))

To the end of another great story. :D

-Amy Stardust
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