Reviews for Haven
J.N.Tapley chapter 13 . 7/13/2010
So I've read this all before but I wanted to reread it to refresh my memory so you could have a better review. I really like the story and it has been longer than two weeks since you lasted posted, but I can wait. :) The story is full of mystery and it's not just a sickly romance novel there is more to it. There were quite a few minor spelling errors but I'm pretty sure it was just typing to fast and not hitting the right key, which happens all the time. I would really like to see the next chapter come out because this is a good story. I hope this review helps you out of the funk you're in. :)

LJune chapter 13 . 8/19/2009
I hope you go back in like with this story? That sounds weird. How about, I hope you go back to liking this story as much as you did.

Not the greatest, but better. -sigh- My reviews are either extremely weird, or sugar coated.

Well Good Luck. I Look Forward To Your Update In 1-2 Weeks!



I love that vampire face thing.
Ninaaa36 chapter 13 . 8/12/2009
I think u should do break your little heart
Elimo chapter 10 . 7/24/2009

That's just MEAN.

You can't just go round burning people...


I Quoth Nevermore chapter 10 . 7/24/2009
Oh, I really like Tristan. What a babe. haha. And a werewolf to boot. Lawl. update soon!
BlackTreaderWolf chapter 1 . 7/23/2009
Elimo chapter 9 . 7/20/2009
Hee hee, every question...

I Quoth Nevermore chapter 9 . 7/17/2009
Loved how you named the manager "Potter." I just love HP. Sorry, totally off topic. Well, I like this. Tristan is swoon, and Masson is up to something. Hm...wouldn't that be interesting if in the end Tristan was actually the good guy and Masson had evil tendencies? Well, I ship October/Tristan. BTW, I love the name October. I seriously want to name my kid (when the time comes) either October or Tuesday. I don't know why. My mind works in strange ways. Well, update soon!
I Quoth Nevermore chapter 7 . 7/13/2009
Oh, interesting. LoL. Masson's last name is Ravens. Of course, he'll probably turn out evil. Every time a character or place has my name (Raven) they turn out to be uber evil. Sigh. Whatcha gonna do? Anyway, love it. Update soon!
Bittersweet Lover chapter 1 . 7/11/2009
To be honest I love your plot/ summary but your story is EVERYWHERE. I dont really understand what is going on.
Yuura chapter 6 . 7/6/2009
Aha...this is getting interesting. Hmm...I'll be looking forward to the next chapter and I wonder if October and Tristan will get together...hmm...anyways I'll be waiting for the next chapter. _
XxCaptainKoalaxX chapter 4 . 6/27/2009
Hm..? I'm confused...It's a god story but I don't get it! ;P
I Quoth Nevermore chapter 4 . 6/27/2009
Interesting...update soon!
I Quoth Nevermore chapter 3 . 6/25/2009
Yeah, I'm pretty confused, but you said it'll clear up soon, so please update!
bela13 chapter 3 . 6/24/2009
after you give us their names you have to keep with it you can't just do the calm one muttered that confuses people more than the mistery of the plot
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