Reviews for Bleeding Love
Just-Another-Broken-Heart chapter 2 . 5/18/2010
So I started reading this, it was cliche. I kept reading, it got a little whiny. (at this point I realised you're one of those authors good enough to make me read the words on a box off cereal I can't stand even when I'm bored to death) After that it was kind of creepy. And finally it was so mindblowingly awesome I had to leave a review. I love how at the end the main character is so nonchalant about what they did and then you find out it's a chick and you almost can't wrap your head around it. It's great and I'm about to go read anything else you've written.


Natsukichan2912 chapter 2 . 9/17/2009
WTF! I would have never guess that they were twins, seriously that's fucked up but at the same time really entertaining.

Smile chapter 2 . 7/23/2009
Wow, I was not expecting that.

Seriously, that was amazingly awesome!

I was convinced that Erica was a boy!
Bazooka Joy chapter 2 . 6/22/2009
Hahahahahaha this story still makes me laugh. "Erica?" Hahaha. Ahh, well you know how I feel about this one :D