Reviews for Red Moon
GjK chapter 2 . 6/28/2009
I'm really enjoying your story. It is well written and very intelligent. It's rare and refreshing to find such polished writing on this site. I can see you have really thought your plot through. I'm an Alaska native, so of course when I read the prologue and it mentioned Alaska I was hooked. Stories so rarely take place in Alaska unless they're about sled-dog racing or getting lost in the woods. :) Update soon!
CeruleanSparrow chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
Wow, this is really good.

What genre is this, supernatural or fantasy?

I really enjoyed this story because your writing style is very similar to mine, and at the same time noticeably different (see for yourself).

Your vocabulary is good, as is the way you put sentences together. Another thing I really enjoyed were your smililies, metaphors, hyperboles and all the play on words you made. For instance, "With both hands holding on to something, all I could do was pray Will came to his senses before the root broke and we fell spiraling into a vortex of death, destruction, despair, and all those other bad things that start with the letter D." Really clever.

Also, all the miscellaneous details paint a better picture.

The one thing that could use improvement... ATTENTION TO DETAIL. Slow down. It seems like your too anxious to get the story out and so you aren't taking the time you should to think out the plot and space out certain events, and/or describe characters. For god's sake, you put a fight seen in the first chapter. Dont be afraid not to be so action-based.

Still, really good.



P.s. You should message me sometime. I like the way you write and I like to befriend and converse with good writers, especially ones whos writing stiles are similar to mine and/or write in genres I like to read. (And NO, i'm NOT hitting on you, I swear.) lol