Reviews for Room 475
Eiya Weathes chapter 36 . 3/29/2012
Hello. I can not even tell you how inspiring and moving this is.

Admittedly, I never cried but in every chapter, I can assure you that anyone could almost hear the sound of my heart breaking.

This is truly one of the pieces of literature I will never forget.

On another note though, I suggest you work on your grammar. As amazing as this story is, the grammatical errors kind of distracted me at some point. Maybe you can proof read this?

Also, I think you should be published. Heck, I think this should be published. You are exactly the kind of writer this world needs to acknowledge.

Kudos to you and I wish you every success and happiness. :)
imaginaryimz chapter 37 . 3/9/2012
This story is beautiful.


Well done (:
FallenHunterFollowMe chapter 37 . 1/15/2012
Oh my god. I have been called an ice queen for my lack of showing reactions to pain and emotional movies, but I cried like I had known Becka in person; like I had been a ghost of a person standing behind her the whole time. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever read in my measly 14 years. It will live inside me forever. Whenever I see my friend Rebecka at school, Room 475 will be there. I didn't cry when she actually died, I cried when the people around her found out.

I could write my own review novel and cover it in hearts but the Review space will only allow me so many words.

I loved everything about this story, and when I was a little girl I had a goldfish named Goldie. Funny isn't it? I usually don't read sad stories because they affect me for days and caused my parents to try to sign me up for therapy sessions of my own. I loved every one of your characters (besides Kellen, that son of a bitch! But thank you for keeping Kellen's story minimal because I think my wall would've gained a few new holes if that was the case...)Vannessa really affected me. I am sort of distant towards my younger brother, but that is definitely going to change.

Thank you for changing how I see life and death itself 3

Your Sincere Admirer,

Erin3 (AKA FallenHunterFollowMe)
Made To Syn chapter 36 . 12/23/2011
I don't. i did not cry all the way through Becka's story. But as i read that epilogue, unspilled tears have filled my eyes. I think it was really the baloons that did it.

And yes, Follow You Into The Drak was indeed a good song for that chapter. It's a personal favorite of miney, you know. And even though i know that the song contest is over,l i think Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus would be a great song for the story. But more than that; Before the Lobotmy by Green Day seems a perfect tune. But this story is happy (in a way) so, once again. Guardian Angel. Because i truly believe Rebecka would have wanted to be Jonah's guardian angel. (Yes, i realize she's a fictional character) but this desrves to be published. In this exact format.

Thank you for writing this. (And sorry for this way-too-long-review)
Made To Syn chapter 13 . 12/21/2011
damn! this is so good! but when are you gonna tell us what she has ? dang it, woman!
M.McBright007 chapter 37 . 12/20/2011
Oh my God, I didn't think I would make it to the end of this. You've been pulling on my heartstrings the entire time, and as I read the end, I cried for like, ten minutes. You are an AMAZING author, and I hope you keep writing for a very, very long time.
CrazyInAGoodWay chapter 36 . 12/5/2011
I honestly think I'm going to go kill myself now. That was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever read in my entire life. My face is just a giant, swollen, red blob attached to my hair. You are possibly the most incredible and talented writer I have come upon on this site, and that's saying something. This story isn't like every other one out there, same layout with different characters. Like a mad lib. This story said something, meant something. It touched me in ways I didn't even know possible. And I know this is stupid... but the epilogue is a part of the story, right? Not actually you? I figured it was a part of the story because of the copyrite stuff at the end... but I just want to clarify and make sure I don't completely change the whole thing around in my head because, surprisingly, that actually matters a lot to me.
CrazyInAGoodWay chapter 27 . 12/5/2011
these chapters just keep getting sadder and sadder and its taking me longer and longer to read each one because i can't read through my tears. legit. this is moving stuff.
CrazyInAGoodWay chapter 25 . 12/5/2011
I just want you to know that I haven't stopped crying for the last like 4 chapters or so. If this doesn't get published at some point in my life I'm going to stab someone. You're writing abilities are absolutely incredible. I'm still crying.
CrazyInAGoodWay chapter 13 . 12/5/2011
I just want you to know this chapter reduced me to nothing but tears. You are an incredible writer, and I can't wait to continue reading this story.
The Imagination Addict chapter 37 . 11/21/2011
hey, the um sequel... jessie isn't someone they knew before becks' death right? will bernie be in it?
The Imagination Addict chapter 36 . 11/21/2011
i like the epilogue. i was wondering how you were going to do it. i felt that if you switched to 1st person with jonah as the narrator, it would be kinda incongruent. i was actually expecting a 3rd person narrative detailing either their discovery of her passing or her funeral. but this is nice. it's unique, and it completes her bucket list, and it allows for jonah's 1st person view WITHOUT the incongruence.
The Imagination Addict chapter 35 . 11/21/2011
ohgosh this is unbelievably beautiful. the way you've written her journey towards death and all her resulting ruminations. the part where her body was breaking down and she kept mentioning the IV and her weak body and even brought up the smell... that was heartbreaking. even more so because i had a relative live his last days in my house and i know how true what she (YOU) wrote is. and i really love her friendship with bernie. she loves him and it shows, but it also shows that their love is purely platonic.
The Imagination Addict chapter 32 . 11/21/2011
ohgosh. the ending... it's indescribable. i mean, it's not even the END yet, but we know her death is just drawing closer and closer and she's really wrapping things up. especially with the letters. gosh, even may gets one.
The Imagination Addict chapter 27 . 11/20/2011
ohmygawd i cried AGAIN! this is definitely going on my top fave stories list on my profile bio. this chapter is really good. she's sorta comatose but she can hear everything. and it's pretty obvious who's saying what cos you ensure that there's only 2 people at any one time and they say each other's names periodically. fantastic job/
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