Reviews for Behind the High Walls
firefox vixen chapter 20 . 10/3/2014
Really good
Cecily Mitchell chapter 1 . 1/14/2011
I kinda feel as if I was dragged into this story against my will almost. I will say that this sort of thing (political/historical) is not usually my thing and as much as I don't want to like this selfish young aristocrat, I do. Very nicely written, a plot with depth, I congratulate you. thank you very much for sharing your vision.
Cordian chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
Is this slash or not?
Dawnbird chapter 20 . 11/16/2009
I think I'm actually proud of Loukas. He turned out to be not so horribly rotten after all. :) Are you ending it here?
Dawnbird chapter 19 . 11/9/2009
I liked Poppy's comment about their hand injuries. It was well-placed.

You leave us wondering what horrors are in store for Loukas, and now you leave us wondering for Alexia. Dang you.

Is she going to be left in the same cell he was? In that case, is she going to use that vial of poison he left behind?
Dawnbird chapter 18 . 11/2/2009
It was funny, before. You'd make Loukas do something almost likable, then he'd do something else that reinforced the impression that he was a self-serving jerk. Now, with one swoop, he's completely upturned that view and made himself a hero, possibly a martyr. Woo. I *like* you. You certainly don't pull punches, do you?
Dawnbird chapter 17 . 10/26/2009
Ouch. I liked Iereus. I'd hate to think what Loukas' life will be like if he becomes Archon, having once been a wife. The social implications are unpleasant.
Dawnbird chapter 16 . 10/19/2009
All conspiring is coming back to take a large chunk from his backside now. Is his husband going to find out?
Wendy Thompson135th chapter 14 . 10/5/2009
Paragraph 2: The consensus seems to be that YOU'RE wardrobe is lacking,” Iereus said...

P. 8: “I'm quite certain YOUR correct; however, neither Metrodora or Myrrine have House Kommene blood in their veins.”

-It's the other way around.

There are some other mishaps further along.
shaedey chapter 6 . 8/21/2009
i an simply in love with this story. if you don't mind, i would love to draw the wives' attire. Could you describe it to me in full detail?
Wendy Thompson135th chapter 1 . 8/11/2009
Eugenia Kommene, Archon of House Kommene, had carried both of them and afterward declared herself done with childbirth. Eleutherios was Loukas's younger brother and only full sibling; ... Loukas's half-siblings had all been carried by Eugenia's wives, sired by her favorite brother ... -Is 'her favorite brother' also Loukas's father? If not, how are Eugenia's wives' children his half siblings? If so, why isn't this incest?
shaedey chapter 5 . 8/3/2009
amazing! i was so nervous when loukas fell off his horse, i though that she had broken her leg!

And now he's gotten married off, and next chapter is the wedding night O_O ooh, i simply cannot wait!
shaedey chapter 3 . 7/20/2009
this is really a wonderful story, i'm looking forward to more!
Jaetea chapter 2 . 7/20/2009
Rather like your worldbuilding and style. The description of this nation is very original and I like the realistic interaction between the characters. I think I'll keep a watch on this. :]


Both male and female lions had the sable ruff running down their spins, but this one was a little larger than the dogs - a male.


He let head loll as he considered her question.

*his head

I stand to loose a fortune, if the act passes.

*lose, and no comma

Loukas aimed for the throat but missed, hitting the animal's shoulder instead.

No typo really; I just thought perhaps you could consider a rewording of this?

Loukas stabbed for the throat, but instead the spear grazed the animal's shoulder.