Reviews for A Quarter Past Wonderful
The Imagination Addict chapter 5 . 8/24/2010
Lol. I see you abandoned it. But whatever. Your story’s ok. But it’s very unsettling. And I think it’s sick that Daniel has sex with Medina. She’s a cougar!
The Imagination Addict chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
HEY! Since you’ve been so nice, reviewing all each chapter of ‘Second Wife’, I thought I’d check out your stuff too! So here I am, reviewing the story which most appealed to me. :) (I don’t think I’ll read your other story cos I’m not into the vampire-werewolf thing. Ever since Twilight started, everyone’s writing similar plots, and I find it now very cliché. No offense. Just my honest opinion.) OK. So, I like Anima’s thoughts in italics that accompany her experiences! They make me SMILE.
Quit Being So Technical chapter 3 . 7/22/2009
HEY! I *do* actually like the story!


But anyways: Nice chapter.
Quit Being So Technical chapter 2 . 7/18/2009
yay, sue, yay!

I liked it.

and lol... stalkerish... O.o



Update soonz. x3
Quit Being So Technical chapter 1 . 7/16/2009
WO! go sue!

I liked it.
