Reviews for why writers should never diet
Little girl Big world chapter 1 . 9/20/2009
This is just a wonderful comparison. Nicely written to address a serious issue. I liked the ending especially.

dragonflydreamer chapter 1 . 9/8/2009
Wow, amazing piece. The wording of this is so rich and descriptive that I was completely drawn into the words. Even though the lines were long, it read smoothly with seemingly no pause or hesitation. Not to mention how true your meaning is. I love the image of the last two lines.
Faithless Juliet chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
Wow, you've got some anger in this...

I like what you have to say, there is something to be said - both of jealousy, and understanding - when a poet reads another poet's piece and allthey feel is contempt. You should that very well here. Writers by nature are harsh people, I think we have to be in order to understand and create life as we do.

Much love,

Kate Marshall chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
I like this. It sort of say to me, screw everyone who wants poety to be perfect. An excuse, if you will, for our imperfections.

I like it. :D
kit feral chapter 1 . 7/31/2009
Very clever. You're still great.

(Remember me?)
octopus cuddling chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
one of the few times i've laughed aloud while reading poetry. Favorite, because it's too truthful and far too witty to only be read once. A clever analogy.
Love And Some Verses chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
I loved this. So raw, as with most of your work it really captivates me. I liked the use of metaphors within this, the similarities drawn between 'dieting' to get the perfect figure and writing poetry. As always, amazing.
for shame chapter 1 . 7/27/2009
this is so amazing, it renders me speechless.

it's nice to have a little fat. muffin tops are going to come back in style. (:
she smolders chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
There's perfection in imperfection when it comes to poetry.

And one of my favourite things about your poems have always been the analogies.
Ernest Bloom chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
:), altho i have a hard time

believing this much resembles

your physique. but you never

know. fairly often i accidentally

start in the middle. i'll cut

huge swathes and move them around

like shuffling a deck of cards.

i don't necessarily care too much

for the compulsive preservation of

the spacetime continuum when i'm

sniffing out a new effect. but i

do always edit the crap out of

them, although this is probably

seldom noticable; imagine how

verbose they were in their earliest

incarnations, with feet sprouting

from shoulders and tongue trailing

down around the toes...
Orange Oxymoron chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
"Never leave your poem bare

or your body, to be fair."
young and the reckless chapter 1 . 7/25/2009
this brought a smile to my face,

because i know i could always work a little harder on each piece,

but i just post it the way it is anyway. :)

"love handles filled with awkward pauses and inappropriate juxtapositions,"

it just made me grin from the wit of it.
