Reviews for Checkmate
Fsksh1 chapter 15 . 9/20/2012
such an addicting story, i love what u have written, it was awsome dude;)
mindless impressions chapter 15 . 6/15/2011
boo u *$&% update
Yaya chapter 15 . 10/30/2010
Wow I haven't read this for what I think has been a long time D: But it's saddly still on the last part I read. Please do continue! I love your story and I would love to read more! :D
llll.The Fallen.llll chapter 15 . 7/29/2010
oh my freaking gosh...ive been waiting for so long until you updated...youhou :) im so happy and i cant wait to read more...youre big fan :)keep writing ur awesome..
twilight-pyrate chapter 15 . 7/20/2010
love the story, really.

one thing that's bugging me is that we don't get much insight into Micheal which is somwhat annoying since the story is centered around him. and i find myself skimming chapters just to get to the parts about michael.

but besides that the story is brilliant.
JungleMan chapter 14 . 6/30/2010
You left us with a huge cliff hanger! Wow, what's going on with Michael? I have a few suspicions, but I'm honestly not too sure if any of them are in-character... or even slightly realistic. Anyway, I've seen that it has been quite a while since you last updated, and I just wanted to inform you, you absolutely have to keep writing. This is interesting and unique- I'm not really sure what's going to happen, or rather, how it is. You can't leave me hanging! I need to know what happens!
Yaya chapter 14 . 6/4/2010
I am so into this story! Please don't stop writing! I'm expecting your update whenever you have time! :D
kadama2856 chapter 14 . 5/3/2010
The story is pretty good, but there are certainly grammar errors...I don't really mind and who Michael is keeping probably kinda obvious unless of course I'm wrong xD
XxXMusicSavesMySoulXxX chapter 14 . 4/21/2010
I really like the story. I just spent like probably 3 hours reading all of it, if not more haha. Anyways, more please!
llll.The Fallen.llll chapter 14 . 4/20/2010
oh my gosh you have no idea how happy i was when i saw that this chapter was up :)I just love everything about this story: from the way you write , to the couples in there...there's so much awesomness that i don't even know from where to start...hehe...So just keep updating...oh and im so greatful that you're updating soon for rooftops *squeals*... So yeah ,looking forward to reading some more of your awesome stories .. :)
Penemuel chapter 14 . 4/20/2010
This story seriously just keeps getting more and more intense. I really can't wait for the next chapter and to find out what's really going on with Michael.

I love how Landon and Matt act together. The encouragement Landon gives him is nothing short of adorable.

This is a great story and I look forward to every update!
watercolour dreams chapter 4 . 4/14/2010
Awesome chapter, once again. I feel so bad for Michael :(. Landon is still bloody brilliant. I can just imagine the stir this comic strip will cause :). Matt kind of annoys me because he is always so scared, but then it's understandable.

Anyway, you're writing is great. I love how you've based this story, like showed us what happened in the near end (with Michael's suicide) and am now showing us what happened leading up to it. Awesome :). Great chapter.
watercolour dreams chapter 3 . 4/14/2010
Awesome chapter, once again :). I absolutely love all your characters, apart from the evil ones. Lol. Landon making Evan bleed was brilliant. I'm liking him even more now. It was really interesting getting inside Matthew's head. He is actually quite an interesting character. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Great writing!
watercolour dreams chapter 2 . 4/14/2010
Fantastic chapter! Landon is a bloody genius. I love his attitude and the way he stands up for himself. Plus, his 'art criticism' was funny as hell. He's an awesome character and you're an awesome writer. Amy is cool too. Evan is a dick and so is the principal. I'm worried about Michael :(. I mean, we know he commits suicide in the end, but I still don't want him to. Evan needs a punch in the face. I hope Landon gives that to him. Soon.

Great chapter!
watercolour dreams chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
Wow. This is an awesome chapter. I can tell this is going to be a great story and I can't wait to read the next one! There are so many sensitive and interesting topics you can cover in here and I can't wait to see how it turns out and how you handle them. This really is a fantastic story and you are a great writer.

I personally think Amy is an awesome character. I also really like Landon too. He is great; strong and principled. I liked this sentence about him:

"Like the moth to the flame, people rallied around him, and the real fight begun." That was cool.

But I can definitely relate to Amy. My best friend since I was 8 is homosexual and people always gave him a hard time. So yeah. :)

Anway, this was a fantastic chapter and I'm going to read on :).
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