Reviews for court me like a seahorse
downforthecount chapter 1 . 12/2/2010
Have I mentioned that I love this? Because I do. I love this.
Mirabella chapter 1 . 9/23/2009
I love your unique tellings of romance. :)

Beautiful imagery.
Faithless Juliet chapter 1 . 9/5/2009
I really liked the fantastical elements of this woven in with the modern twists. You want a 3 million year romance, yet your reassuring the partner that there is no need for babies.

The narration is so delicate, almost child-like, yet their definitely a smoldering aspect to it, and several layers of undercurrent and emotion. You have a gift for uniqueness. Keep up the good work.

Much love,


Jules, via the Review Marathon (links in my profile)
tonight we bloom chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
first of all, let me just say that i absolutely adore your new penname!

second of all, i love this poem. it makes me smile.
for shame chapter 1 . 8/5/2009
it seems like all of your poems have a small dose of humor added in. i like it. i also like the reference about male seahorses having the children. you somehow made that poetic.

Isca chapter 1 . 8/3/2009
"Court me like a seahorse." What a lovely opening line. I love your use of the word 'court' - it's so fitting and regal. I like the colour imagery in the second line - it reminded me of a mood-ring, actually. The line, "show me that you're empty," really struck me - the tone of this line is so cheeky. The seahorse motif reminded me of a study where someone froze seahorses (so they were considered 'dead') and then put them in water or some kind of liquid and the 'came bac to life' again - it was meant to show that sometimes life and death aren't so different from each other. Anyways, enough of my mumbo-jumbo, welcome back, cling peach! :)
Doxie Doll chapter 1 . 8/1/2009

And what a killer way to come back!

Awesome in every sense of the word.
i chapter 1 . 8/1/2009
missed you.