Reviews for babby
youngin-matomon chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Bluereve chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
It's funny how it seems all around the world we learn the same lessons... i'm from Argentina, and i'd probably give my younger sister the same advise.

I was hoping perhaps you had updated 'luciology' and the summery of 'babby' caught my eye. This is... nice. Not a master piece, but it serves its purpose i guess. I was wondering... is there anny chance that you will continue 'Luciology', i don't know why, i always remember your story, i had a great time reading it, it was very amusing and am constantly hoping you will update it sometime... please? haha i really liked it.

Well, best of wishes to you and your sister!

Written chapter 1 . 9/16/2009
I loved reading this. it's so true. and i think my younger sibling is waay smarter when it comes to arguments with mom.