Reviews for Get to Know Me
OpenLocksWhoeverKnocks chapter 16 . 6/20/2010
.god! i love this chapter i did not see that coming! he seemed so nice who knew he was a douche! ek i'm gunna keep reading now!
horsesrock735 chapter 10 . 6/20/2010
Oh and the million dollar question surfaces...this shall be very very interesting. So far, I am lovin' your writing. You are very creative writer. Nothing like I've ever seen before.
horsesrock735 chapter 9 . 6/20/2010
Woah, a little hot n' steamy there at the end, eh? LOL, It was good chapter all together. Very well put together. I like it.
OpenLocksWhoeverKnocks chapter 14 . 6/20/2010
damn you for writing such good storeys its almost one in the morning here and i have exams tomorrow but i cant stop reading! just as promised myself i would read just one last chapter you throw this at me xD oh well looks like there gunna be a lack of sleep for me tonight! love love love this story keep writing please!
horsesrock735 chapter 8 . 6/20/2010
Words don't describe what just happened there. All I can say is wow. Just wow. That was an amazing chapter.
horsesrock735 chapter 7 . 6/20/2010
DAMN! That was the best chapter yet! I LOVE about some drama. Can't wait to see what gossip will happen now!
horsesrock735 chapter 6 . 6/20/2010
Not really much to say here...It was a good chapter. I wish Justin had caught Ginger being Ivy. That probably wwould have made this chapter a little more interesting. I hope Stacie finds out that Ginger is Ivy.
horsesrock735 chapter 5 . 6/20/2010
Hmm wonder how Daphne will take to another cheerleading team being started. Talk about drama. This is good. I like it. Keep it goin'!
horsesrock735 chapter 4 . 6/20/2010
Oh this outta be good, eh? Ginger stuck alone with justin, can't wait to see what happens:D
horsesrock735 chapter 3 . 6/20/2010
Me likes hottie added in the story. This is goin' to be very interesting. I bet there will be some tension between Stacie and Ginger later because of Justin.
horsesrock735 chapter 2 . 6/20/2010
This is gettin' good! I wonder if Ginger will reveal herself at school as Lexie? Hm, that would crate a lot of drama. Well good job, keep it up.(:
horsesrock735 chapter 1 . 6/20/2010
This sounds really interesting so far. If you continue to write it I will review every chapter for you. I would really like to see this story continue on. Best of luck.
book-geek chapter 26 . 6/20/2010
I found the name haha I looked for it ;)

I think Joshua had every right to be mad. They were going to have to break up anyway and that was a lot to just put on him then. Ginger also is not a cry baby, she really likedhim and her life has been shitty lately. Ginger also can't really continue being Lexie if she doesn't go to the school anymore either can she? I think she should post one last message saying it's her. I can't wait for the sequel!
pbgurl chapter 26 . 6/20/2010
I love LOVE Rick and at one point would have rooted for him and Lexie to be together but I really hope that Joshua and her make things right in the epilogue becuase I prefer them more. _ *crossing my fingers*

-Liz :D
Ladyodd chapter 26 . 6/20/2010
Ok answers to the questions in the order they were asked... no I do not think Ginger is a cry baby she needed to cry sometime... was Joshua wrong...ehh... maybe maybe not... understanding.. maybe but what guy would after all he went through? Rick should so get with Ivy it is like the perfect match... they just flow... but there is Daisy and that could make things hard... And Lexie should stop writing her blog because she will not be there but she could do one at the other school, but I think so much drama has happened over it that she should grow up and let the drama go... but could write about dancing or something if that is what she likes to do.. and would she have time at the new school?

Thanks for the update:)
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