Reviews for Get to Know Me
Damon Salvatore chapter 19 . 7/7/2012
:D Oh goodness, maybe she should just chose Hurley, cause he seems to be the one that she wants. Yet she is going to NY with Rick so it would probably be wiser to chose him because they could spend more time together. I am really torn lol
JJsMommy29 chapter 19 . 7/6/2012
great chapter this story just keeps getting better and better. can't wait to see what happens between her and Hurley and her and Rick so update soon
Amy Stardust chapter 19 . 7/6/2012
No! NO! Why does she have to even like Rick? He should not be here! He's ruining everything! DX

I live this story! Definitely one of my favorites! :D And she finally talked to Hurley! I totally love them together.

I any find a way to put their names together though. Huringer? Gingurley? :))

'Til your next update! :D

-Amy Stardust
Jevanminx chapter 19 . 7/6/2012
Loving Hurley, damn that boy for being so understanding. Glad Justin got what he deserved also.

And your story is totally to distracting, I'm supposed to be downstairs letting the dogs out and making goulash, but alas this had to be read!
fangirlnostalgia chapter 19 . 7/5/2012
oh no! 2 more months until she goes to new york! what will happen to hurley? :O update soon! really want to read :)
loveforever143 chapter 19 . 7/5/2012
Man you get rid of one love triangle and then another one comes around! What's up with that!

Well besides my ranting the chapter was amazing! I loved it! 3
It was really really really good! Like awesomely good!
And I absolutely can not wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!
Guest chapter 19 . 7/5/2012
Love this chapter. Btw, FF's posting the review as guest, because I can't be bothered to log in after that AMAZING CHAPTER! Update soon!

Damon Salvatore chapter 18 . 7/5/2012
I wonder how Justin got Hurley's phone... or perhaps it was Hurley that sent that text and he is Justin's partner in this crime... ahh I don't want to believe that it was him but... :/. Maybe it's not Justin, Hurley, or Rick she'll end up with, maybe it is Damien.
Amy Stardust chapter 18 . 7/5/2012
Go Damien! Woot!

I can't believe Justin did that. How could he stoop so low?

Tsk, tsk.

Until your next chap! XD

-Amy Stardust
HopelessRomantic97 chapter 18 . 7/4/2012
Oooh, good chapter! Lots of unexpected things:)
Guest chapter 18 . 7/3/2012
Ahhhh! So good! I hate Justin now :( he's annoying... anyway, update soon!
Jevanminx chapter 18 . 7/3/2012
Shall we shove Damien in the mix now as well for funsies cause his saving her was just adorable! And I will continue to giggle at the fact her name is Killmi.

I also wonder how Justin was back there with her anyway, I think it's just cause I'm really suspicious of everyone now, hahahaha.
The Girl Who Can chapter 18 . 7/3/2012
I never liked Justin anyways. The first guy they get with usually isn't the one they stay with, and he just seemed so fake. Hurley is a much better option.
fangirlnostalgia chapter 18 . 7/3/2012
wonderful chapter and right now i'm IN LOVE with damien - he's a hero -heart- update soon! wondering what will happen to justin.. hmmmm
bookppl93 chapter 18 . 7/3/2012
Currently gagging on my saliva... 911?
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