Reviews for Get to Know Me
loveforever143 chapter 18 . 7/3/2012
OHMYGOD! I am absolutely speechless! :-O And in shock!
But in a good way cuz that chapter was EPIC!
I LOVED IT! Yeah I hope justin goes to jail. He deserves it.
Now u have to post again really really really soon! Please!
JJsMommy29 chapter 18 . 7/3/2012
great chapter i'm taking it Justin stoled Hurley's phone and here i was thinking that Justin was a nice guy up until he cheated on her but keep up the amazing work so can't wait to see what happens next so update soon
the foil flower chapter 17 . 6/30/2012
i tottaly love your writing its really awesome i feel like its better than a teen romance novel that you get from the public library i appreciate this cause its eems more realistic
Preposterous chapter 9 . 6/30/2012
Right now I think I like Hurley more than Justin. Justin just seems too boring.
Preposterous chapter 4 . 6/30/2012
Final Destination! That's the name of the movie that I watched part of two years ago. Thank you for solving the mystery!

Loving the story so far!
bookppl93 chapter 17 . 6/30/2012
Sorry for the late review!my iPod didn't tell me you updated so I looked just in case ;)
Jevanminx chapter 17 . 6/30/2012
Nicely done I must say, love the slightly ominous feeling regarding Justin's exit and can't wait for the meet up with Hurley.

I am writing this sitting on the floor of my brothers/dogs room in order to get a good enough signal to connect to the internet, this seems to be what my life has become!
Amy Stardust chapter 17 . 6/29/2012
Man! What a cliff hanger! I can't wait to read more!

I say this all the time because I really am excited! XD

Till your next update! :D

-Amy Stardust
Amy Stardust chapter 16 . 6/29/2012
Sorry I didn't review earlier! I've been sleeping over at my cousin's house and I haven't been able to get my hands on the code. :(

Why? What about Daisy? What about Hurley?

D: I'm gonna have to read the next chapter now.

Lots of twists in this story, huh? Always a new problem. That's good! :D

-Amy Stardust
JJsMommy29 chapter 17 . 6/29/2012
loved this chapter so can't wait to see what Hurley has to say to her so keep up the amazing work and update soon
hanzi chapter 17 . 6/29/2012
It's a cliffhanger! They annoy me :( Anyway, update soon! I can't wait to find out what Principal Killmi and Hurley will say!
Damon Salvatore chapter 17 . 6/29/2012
:( I hate teachers, can't wait to see what they have to say. I have the worst teacher at school EVER. Apparently I "stole" a skirt and had to give her one of mine, when I tried to refuse, she actually screamed "I'LL EMAIL YOUR MOTHER" in the middle of the hallway. -_- You know what? She never did. Anyway the suspense of whom she is going to end up with is really killing me, maybe Rick would be better because they will be going to school together, but Hurley's story... so cute! lol
loveforever143 chapter 17 . 6/29/2012
Oooooo mysterious! Hahaha. I crack myself up!

That chapter was amazing. Totally epic! I loved it! 3
It was completely awesome and I absolutely can not wait until u post again. I hope its realm soon!
f0r3v3rstr0n9 chapter 16 . 6/28/2012
I like this story!(: I like Rick, and he's SO attractive! 3 Update Soon! (:
Jevanminx chapter 16 . 6/28/2012
This new reviewing system is weird.

But anyway Rick huh, interesting turn of events, it's hard with him as he seems so serious one second and then kind of a dick the next, part of me wants Ginger to be with him and yet at the same time I don't feel she should trust him, makes for very interesting reading.

And YES Dirty Dancing, love that film, I can literally quote most of it!
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