Reviews for A Forbidden Love
britjust chapter 3 . 12/10/2010
hi i was starting to read your story and i really liked it. To be honest i first saw the story on brownbride and enjoyed it but i don't agree with plagerisom so i decided to come read the real story, but again is disappointed due to the fact that you have taken yours down if you can please email it to me i really wanted to read it. my name is brittney and my email is .
A Helpful Soul chapter 1 . 12/10/2010
As sad as this is for me to say I must do it any way.

It would seem on a website (boards. in the Arts and Culture section) that a person by the screen name lil_goldeyes is taking (without permission) certain fictionpress author stories and you are one of many. I wanted you to become aware of the situation. If any more stories that you recognize on this site are yours or someone else that you know, please spread the news. Cause, honestly, disrespectful behavior like this needs to be nipped in the bud.
v-girl98 chapter 26 . 10/25/2010
love it
The Imagination Addict chapter 15 . 10/14/2010
I’m really enjoying this story so far! I read ur edited version first, n it’s better in terms of language n description. Just to let u noe that ur editing is doing its job of improving ur story. u manipulate language n words a lot better in ur new version. I’ll be reading it! :) i just read abt the legend. Just some feedback, the part where Russell lowers his head to Paige: it doesn’t make sense when the wolves wonder if it’s the legend. Cos the legend has nothing abt submission. Yeah, maybe u want to look into that for the edited one. Im not sure whether u’ll still be doing the multiple viewpoints in ur edited version, but my personal opinion is that u shouldn’t use so many. It removes the subtlety of inserting new info like the fact that Nathan is Ash’s n Russell’s dad. I find that 2 viewpoints is optimal for romance stories, but that in ur case, so many guys r involved it would be better if Paige is the only narrator. Hope my suggestions help w ur edits!
Eternal Skies chapter 20 . 10/13/2010
I was wondering when would that freaking hunter suspense-tool show up.

Ugh, drama.

Your characters have a tendency to cry with one tear only. I found odd and disturbing. Heh! ;P
Eternal Skies chapter 14 . 10/13/2010
The legend totally blew me off, i guessed it had something to do with ash and russell but not the actual idea

i was pretty upset with ho paige was acting, leading on four guys -_- not exactly praisworthy and admirable. Why would she let a guy close to her if she didn't like him? (nathan) why would she like a guy and kiss another even when confused? (garret)

Gosh, i could go on and on for days about this. I still can't believe she enjoyed kissijg that rogue guy. It's like she's ready to throw herself anyone. She's cheap.

I vote for russ, i liked him from the beginning. He had more life in him than all he others. You had me there at the bathroom scene. I was like, please fall for him, please fall for him. Lols. You completely confused your readers when ash had heard her shout fir help before. I think we were all: she would end up with him. Definitely.

Now i know better :D

go team russell ( by the way i loved it when he was going all possesive. It felt nicer than the rest of the guys')
peterpan7285 chapter 16 . 9/24/2010
AuraVybrid chapter 26 . 9/5/2010
I have only only one word BRILLIANT PROWESS , that's two words but whatever. their were spelling errors and cheesy endings to Some chapters but it made sense this story was beautifully written and it is one that i will forever remember. i cried when i thought Russel was dieing and she said "I choose you", it was so dramatic and the way you explained made me feel like i was your character.

thank you for sharing this tale with us.
Twihard chapter 9 . 8/30/2010
This has GOT to be one of Ze best wolf stories i have read... ah am so excited after this chapter!

great job!
Twihard3 chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
i already
Sasha-TheGrapeJuiceMadeOfLemon chapter 26 . 8/23/2010

But i really, really wanted her to be with Ash.. Trust me, i was in TEARS! O.o I no, Sad right?

hehehe anyway, love it.. More Than ICE CREEAAMM!
christinaxxyo chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
Good job on this first chapter :)
BlackTaurus chapter 26 . 8/6/2010
From the start of the story Ash was my favorite Character so it was a big disappointment when she choose Russell if it wasn't for the stupid Ghost getting in the way i know she would have choose ash. I'm glad Ash found a better mate and had a son. I find great pleasure in knowing Paige and Russell can't have children looks like ash dodged a bullet after all and i hope Russell's pack dies (lol still upset she didn't choose Ash). Great story in all keep it up )
GinzzzRoxxx chapter 6 . 7/14/2010
what the hell? this story is way to jumpy.

Everyones emotions are haywire and I don't really understand.
Mags2110 chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
You use 'I' way too much. You should look into different pronouns.

Your sentences are extremely choppy and I would suggest going through and adding some transitions here and there.

Other than that, I feel that your story may be a good one, seeing as I haven't read it yet.
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