Reviews for Headline This
Guest chapter 12 . 6/17/2017
I think Maddy is just pretending
Guest chapter 24 . 9/10/2016
Huhu why havn't you updated this?! This was so fun!
Hohoho chapter 21 . 9/10/2016
My favorite character is asshole eric! So damn funny and egoistic.
the0z3452 chapter 23 . 6/2/2016
Oh my gosh, what to say about this magnificent story? I've lost count of how many times I've reread it over the last almost 6 years, and I can't help but be grateful that you left off on this chapter as it doesn't seem like there will ever be any new content. This chapter (24) works as a satisfying end to one of my favorite fics on this site.

You wrote each character so well, no one was one-dimensional or unrealistic. Usually the female characters of these sorts of stories are shrill cock-blockers with zero personality and universally hated, but I love how you completely subverted that trope and made us all like Maddy, Jess, Tiffany, etc. as typical and likeable teenage girls. But what I'm most impressed by is the all-consuming sexual tension between Rhys and Eric, and Rhys' characterization in general. Too often in student/teacher fics it comes off as way too wish-fulfilly and the teacher character behaves creepy and predatory, despite their usual young age. But you completely avoided that with Rhys, because you made the sexual tension so strong (and written so well) from the get go, their entire relationship makes sense and feels somewhat equal and almost healthy. What can I say about John and and Eric that hasn't already been said, those two are great together, I love their dynamic!

Anyway, I just like to imagine a happy ending for our two boys, who somehow endured all the trials and tribulations set before them and end up together after Eric graduates high school. Eric of course is still the asshole we know and love but now he's Rhys' asshole lol. Either way, sorry for this long review, I just felt like this deserved some of my time and more recognition in general as I, and many other people, have loved this story for so long. I hope you're well and thanks for the great story!
theangrypotato chapter 24 . 1/11/2016
This is one of favourites from ALL the books I have read. I'm happy to say I am the very first reviewer of 2016. I am sure I will not be the last even without this story being updated in awhile. Thank you. And also, I wish I had a friend like John. :) I love Rhys (Although he can be frustratingly annoying) and especially our dear asshole Eric. Thank you.
FallingDark chapter 2 . 5/4/2015
So he's bi? Btw, I kinda like his girlfriend :)
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 24 . 3/14/2015
I'm in love with this asshoke of a character Eric, and I'm loving every moment of it. This story is unbelievably hot. I just hope desperately that this story doesn't gone down the drama lane with Maddie telling everyone about them. If anything I kind of would like to see maddie, bobby, and Eric as friends.

P.s John is an awesome character in his own right! Bff
Calico Trayce chapter 24 . 1/23/2015
Yay! Mwah mwah. Very good. Mucho magnifico! You inspired me to keep writing my own story. Thanks for the read!
Calico Trayce chapter 17 . 1/23/2015
So awesome! I really like when Eric is the dominant one. Y'know, I understand it's not always strictly defined by seme or uke but I just feel that Eric's passion is so raw and youthful and Rhys just seems like such a mynx that anyone would be crazy to pass him up! o/o!
Calico Trayce chapter 12 . 1/23/2015
Yay they kissed! Damn - so satisfying. Thank youuuu
Calico Trayce chapter 9 . 1/23/2015
I knew Eric was a BA. The thing is, I also have a character he reminds me of. xD So I do find it highly amusing. Oh gosh, must read on! I see I am four years too late on this.
Calico Trayce chapter 6 . 1/23/2015
Bahaha - you had me dyin'. And on edge. This is super amusing so far!
Calico Trayce chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
This was very entertaining so far! Eric is badass - like me. I respect him and where he's coming from. I must say I really like the dynamics here.
zeljko chapter 24 . 8/26/2014
I love this story. Erick is such a beautifully made character. The end made me really happy. I smiled the whole day!
Everfew chapter 5 . 6/12/2014
I like this story. A shame that the summary doesn't do it justice, and the beginning of the first chapter needs to be edited. But after passing that, all's good.
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