Reviews for Cloak and Dagger
Purple123 chapter 3 . 3/5/2013
Hey, I've already bought your ebook and I'm just wonder if you're writing the sequel and if so, how is it coming along?
AnberlinEve chapter 2 . 10/11/2012
I remember this story faintly from when I had marked it down as one of my top favourites a few years back. And damn it, I should have re-read it or something before it was gone! :D
It's awful to know that plagiarism has been chasing away so many fabulous authors and I do hope to see this published! Hardcopy, softcopy, you name it, I'd buy it!
Although, I really do hope it won't be years for it to happen, but I will wait with crossed fingers and toes. Arghhhh! In my wildest dreams I'd graduate fast from University, fast-track my goal as an editor and I swear to god I will personally stalk FP's webpages in order to find gems such as yours to publish. :C It really sucks that nowadays you can find far better written works of art here than some published *cough* fifty shades of crap. *cough*
Anyway, all the best to you in all sincerity, I hope there might be good news for the readers and yourself soon the next time I come back to check on this. ;)
Papier chapter 2 . 8/22/2012
Hello! By the looks of it, I've come a little late to read the full version of this story on Fiction press... haha. I've read the first two chapters of this story, and I must say I would very much like to read the rest- but it's not here! So, I went to "Authonomy" and searched for it there, but I couldn't find anything (either its my bad computer searching skills, or you've removed it?) So, would you mind telling me if it's still on Authonomy and where I can find it? Thank you very much! The plot line is very interesting and it's just so hard not to want to know what happens next! -
Humperdinky chapter 2 . 3/4/2012
What happened to you, Candid? You had this incredible story. I read C&D right until the very last chapter when you first posted it all. Then I started reading the sequel, A&D. I reviewed you here at FP and then when you left to post on Authonomy, I joined and reviewed you there, too.

But now you've vanished. You had an amazing story here. I loved Michael and Christina together. They had such amazing chemistry that sizzled through my computer screen. You had a natural talent for writing and character development. It almost seemed to come effortlessly to you.

And then you just disappeared. You abandoned your stories and stopped posting anywhere. I do hope nothing terrible has happened to you and that you haven't ceased writing altogether. Because you're really talented. If you were to publish this book, I would buy it. That's how much I enjoyed reading it. I also enjoyed reading Horrorscape. In fact, I've been a fan since you posted one of your first stories, Equilibrium, which you later removed from FP.

I think it's a shame that you'd let your talent go to waste. I hope you are well and happy. But I do hope that perhaps one day you will continue writing and resume your stories which have certainly captured mine and everybody else's attention.
Sarah chapter 1 . 11/5/2010
I read this story when you first posted it and just fell in love. I really wanted to read it again, but found it has now been take down. I rushed to Authonomy, but I can see you have only reposted some of the story. I can understand why you are moving the story there, but would it be possible to repost the old version on here until the new one is on authonomy? I really want to read this story again, I think it is amazing.
chewingonpearls chapter 2 . 8/21/2010
This is friggin' amazing! I love this story :) Great job, you are very talented! When you do get this published, I will definitely be searching for your book :)

Anna chapter 2 . 3/7/2010
Amazing! I need more. Please?
Shampooster chapter 1 . 2/26/2010
Okay, I added you as a friend on Authonomy, hoping that you posted Cloak and Dagger up, or the sequel. Have you done that and I just haven't noticed? If not, when are you going to? Not be a nag, I just loved those stories, and I am really sad that they aren't available. :) Thanks!
mexxdbest chapter 1 . 1/30/2010
I love this story it's even in my favorites..and i was browsing through it and saw your note so well um I wish you do publish it I mean as a that what you mean? because it's a really good story! I hope you write more stories and wish you'll get this publish:)I've finished reading it few days ago..thanks for sharing!
Menshi chapter 2 . 1/17/2010
FUXING HELLZ! O_O what happened to this story...? were you plagiarized? i was going to reread the chapters when... :mad: *runs off to find the effing plagiarist* ... T_T
SnowySilver chapter 1 . 1/15/2010
Aww, I'm so sad you removed this story! I was right in the middle of reading it (chapter 14, to be precise) and I was terribly into it, when all of a sudden I try to go to the next chapter and it says it hasn't been found! I thought it was a glitch, so I waited a while, but when I finally went back and searched for the story to find it that way I saw your author's note. Sad day! It's really a wonderful story, and I wish I could read the end of it. I totally understand why you removed it, of course, but still. My loss, I guess.
MizSphinx chapter 31 . 1/14/2010
Hey, finally finished it. In response to a question asked in an earlier chapter: My favourite character is definitely Michael. My least favourite varies between Christina (she really is too stubborn sometimes!) and Adrian. Don't get me wrong, I like her but sometimes I just want to to beat her over the head! Enjoyed your story immensely although the ending for me (I was hoping for some kissy-faces between Christina and Michael lol). I guess it's because as you said you neither wanted an overtly happy or sad ending. AND you also wrote TBC which I should hope means To Be Continued! So yeah...once again, it was a well written piece of work that needs to be added to my favs! Keep up the great work!

MizSphinx chapter 20 . 1/13/2010
I have to say that you have me so hooked that I've foregone sleep in order to just see what happens NEXT! Every chapter is a burst of adventure and that's the kind of story I enjoy best. I especially am in love with Micheal's character. Such a foul-mouthed, smexy bad a**! lol lol, Christina's wasting her opportunities *grin* Either way, will definitely continue this after some much needed sleep (my gosh, does that time say 4.34 am?) yeah...definitely some sleep! Loved it so far! Keep up the fantastic work!

weeeangie chapter 31 . 1/12/2010
ihope they have a baby without miscarriage. I like thefact that he loves her and that she loves him and you could totally continue this with them actually getting somewhere in their love life with each other.
Anonymous chapter 32 . 1/11/2010
I have read all thirty-one chapters of this story over the last couple of days, and I was absolutely stunned by it.

The story flowed so well and everything seemed to go well-together. The plot was also exceptionally detailed, and the characters were so well developed, especially Michael.

Anyways, I was a little disappointed that the ending left us hanging, because I'm the sort who likes happy endings, but your ending seemed to follow with the mood and tone that had been set the whole story. Admittedly, you also did categorize this story as "angst" so in hindsight, the ending shouldn't have been so surprising. So all in all, I think you ended your story well, and this is definitely one of my favorites.

I will definitely keep an eye out for the sequel which I hope I will get to read soon.
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