Reviews for East O'the Moon, West O'the Sun
Jen chapter 19 . 12/2/2016
I've always loved fairy tales, especially those about princes and princesses and love and curses. I also love M/M fiction, so naturally I adore your slashed fairy tales. I wish there were more fiction like this in the world.
Anders chapter 19 . 3/11/2015
Perfidious is an awesome word. I have the world's worst flu and I've been seriously sick for a full week with no signs yet of getting better, and your stories are about the only thing I'm able to pass the time with right now because tv makes me nauseous and I'm too drugged out to read anything that isn't short and simple and cheerful. Thank you for so many nice stories!
plakatas chapter 18 . 7/5/2014
i love you and your stories
faroffdream chapter 19 . 12/14/2013
Fantastic! I have never read gay fairy taes before and I loved every one. I appreciate how true you stay to fairy tale style, with the challenges, wishes twisted, and moral learned. Thank you!
The Storm King chapter 18 . 7/25/2013
I love this idea to make slash faerytails.
And you are very good at writing them!
Hope to see more sometime.
Depth-of-Field chapter 17 . 3/27/2013
lmao, Gayistan indeed.
Tiffany chapter 20 . 3/8/2013
I love your fairytales sooo much. I wish I could get your books, but I have a nook, not a kindle. :/
Anonymous chapter 19 . 10/21/2012
I almost never review stories, even though yours are pretty amazing. If not for your note at the end, I probably wouldn't have. But it's tough to find good m/m stories anywhere, and even tougher to find them with fairy-tale elements to them. Let me reiterate. Your stories are incredible. You are amazing for doing this. I fail at adjectives, but I hope you continue to write.
The Burning Angel chapter 20 . 10/16/2012
All your stories are so lovely! I really hope that you continue to write more:)
SilenceInHonour chapter 19 . 7/21/2012
*cat walks over the keyboard* Dammit, bad kitty!

Nice fairy tales by the way.

*chases cat*
AnonymousReviewer chapter 20 . 6/26/2012
I LOVE THIS! I have read all of your stories and they are all so cute and happy and touching and beautifully written (because I really hate when stories are published that have poor spelling and grammar, and little use of punctuation). You are an awesome writer! I wish you would write more stories like these! I should buy one of your books. :)
NightSkyStone chapter 15 . 5/30/2012
I love this guys win this round! And mermen, love mermen. I wish there were more stories with them in it. You keep to the old fairy tale feel, it is impressive and brilliant. I love it.
rabbah chapter 20 . 5/29/2012
It's nice to see another update from you.

And, uh, yeah.
Sentry Roach chapter 20 . 5/29/2012
Hi, I've read all of your tales and thought them delightful. I urge you to continue so that I may have my share of anonomous delight in new stories. Thank you.

mizgardenia21 chapter 19 . 5/15/2012
This was insanely cute. I enjoyed all of them.
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