Reviews for Plagiarism
kit feral chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
Your pelvis is grinning sideways at mine,

I love this image.

You briefly unclasp your eyelids again,

That's an absolutely stunning way to describe something as simple as eyes opening, very original.

Yellow is a funny colour, decaying but bright;

I like how you mixed simple sentences with the wonderful metaphors and just beautiful groups of words strung together, like jewelry, really. This is expensive jewelry in word form. It's delicious. Keep it up.
Calligrapher of Hearts chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
Beautifully romantic, Unca. Loved it :)
Brenda Agaro chapter 1 . 8/30/2009
I love the imagery and word choice in this poem. The descriptions/images are unique and captivating.
Louis Denair chapter 1 . 8/26/2009
First things first: I must say this is the most elaborate and complex piece I've read of yours lately. The similes and descriptions are exceedingly original and insightful.

The way you repeat the lemon theme in the beginning and in the end is quite masterful. It contributes a significant structural decorum, so to speak. Also, the way the speaker underlines the fact that the eyes are sour like lemons brings a nice twist.

"unfurling amber parchment inscribed with the scarlet

ink of your dreams, indecipherable to me."- I especially fancied those lines. You present the problem of incomprehension and the intimacy of dreams in a very unique and beautiful(though sad) way.

The musings on the color yellow are quite interesting. Decaying but bright. I saw in this the reflection of bodily passion without love. It's wonderful but somehow- empty, decaying if you will.

If I could leave any criticism, it is that I felt that the poem is a bit lacking in consistency, too diverse. The third stanza drew me away from the main theme: the man/woman the speaker describes. But the beatific and unique metaphors and the overall quality of the verse in this piece pretty much makes the diversion worth my while.

Keep up the good work. ;)

Mirabella chapter 1 . 8/26/2009
Your story telling ability and abilty with words and creating unique imagery is brilliant! I love your work! :)
tonight we bloom chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
This is so amazing it's crazy.
Punslinger chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
"Your pelvis is grinning sideways at mine." I would accuse you of plagiarizing that, if I had ever written it. I seem to recall saying something similar to a girl a long time ago.

This is very impressive - erotic poetry in a style I've never encountered before. Refreshing and unsettling.
Faithless Juliet chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
You play with facial imagery in this one. Several times you describe the eyes, both yours and theirs, and their: “Midnight-shaped face” (orgasmic!) and also you use of ‘flutter’ also made me think of eyes - both the seeing and unseeing. Things that are, and things that are not. You could also argue the metaphor of innocence, the gaining, and losing it through the things that we see (experience) and/or the things that we do not.

Your other piece also tapped into the idea of equality. I feel like you are showing that you are on a higher level then this person that you are around, not like a rich man poor man type of thing, but more like you are open to (seeing ;)) more things then this other person is - as though you both have different ideas of what the relationship is, and you are trying to go down to their level, which at the end, you express by saying that the only way they will understand you is if you use the same words, or do the same things that you always have.

Emotional plagiarism is hecka savage.

Keep up the good work.

Much love,

Isca chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
"Midnight-shaped face." I like this description - it definitely gives this woman a very sensual and mysterious quality.

"The sun is eating them whole." The imagery here is very vivid and powerful - the sexual undertones, of course, of 'devouring' one another is quite creative.

"But your eyes are still as sour as lemons." I love this simile - it's so refreshing. :)