Reviews for Visitor in the Night
Guest chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
That was such a well written first chapter! Definitely left me wanting more :) Will the pairing be Kieran/Annette or will there be other main characters? I guess I'll find out! Thanks for posting!
stavy chapter 5 . 3/28/2010
wen u writing more?
Vampire Fantasy chapter 5 . 2/4/2010
Finally, another wonderful chapter. I was beginning to worry you forgot about it. )

I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, though it was shorter than I was hoping.

I very much love how you describe things, in this chapter, and in the preview of your new story. )

I can't wait for more!
Sabreal chapter 5 . 1/30/2010
Bless the vamp, Kieran managed to save her! Thank god we don't burn people on a pyre anymore (except in costume dramas lol) because that just sickens me...

I betcha Annette will think twice before running away now, won't she? Look forward to another update, so one.

ANND if you get round to that unicorn'll be safe to say that it'll be unique. I like unique :) It promises exciting things...
blackrule chapter 5 . 1/24/2010
well now. I still read. I've been dying for an update! And now I want another but there isn't one :( and it looks like you're starting a new story before finishing this one :'(
Vampire Fantasy chapter 4 . 12/14/2009
Congratulations on getting married. .

I was hoping you had a good reason for not updating for so long! Haha.

This chapter was just as engaging as the rest and I certainly can't wait for more. )
Madz95 chapter 4 . 11/25/2009
wow. i really like this story ;) good job! :D
fuwafuwafuwari chapter 1 . 11/25/2009
Awesome! I didn't really expect things to go so fast, but they did and I couldn't be happier!

Thank you! Can't wait to read what's next~ :D
Sabreal chapter 4 . 11/25/2009
This was an awesome chapter, alongside your last one :)

I actually read it really fast coz I wanted to know what happened next!

I love how you reflect that Anette running away (as maybe I might have suggested? Uh oh) is more dangerous than her staying put. Love it love it love it! :)

Congrats on gettin wedded! Please update soon...
Bittersweet Lover chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
i absolutly adore how you wrote this from a mans point of view. pleas continue

blackrule chapter 4 . 11/24/2009
Yay! A new chapter! to be continued though... :( I hope there is another update soon. No worries btw, it didn't turn out bad. I like it. Can't wait for the second part to this chapter though :D
Vampire Fantasy chapter 1 . 10/9/2009
This is probably one of the best vampire stories I've read. Well written and very hot. Haha. I'm looking forward to more!
darkgurl92 chapter 3 . 9/26/2009
sounds interesting..cant wait for more..

update soon..
Clearly-Misunderstood13 chapter 3 . 9/26/2009


Awesome chapter!
Sabreal chapter 2 . 9/18/2009
I wouldn't classify it as terrible. You're being too harsh with yourself there.

I like how you make the main character, Anette fall into a false sense of security before she's whisked away into more perilous danger. Although it was a bit random...(lol, i'm just messing. i luved it really)

I look forward to the next update. In terms of suggestions, maybe for the next chapter or the couple after that, you can make Anette try to escape the vampire's "lair"? It would be the natural course, as it seems she's not exactly thrilled on being his bride/mate or whatever. Whether her attempt is sucessful or not is all up to you, and it also is the perfect presidente to add some smut *hint hint* lol

Good chapter.
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