Reviews for The Pains of the Rich American Girl
LateNightTurtle chapter 26 . 5/14/2010
aww i luv stories like these. but wat i love the most is wen high school sweethearts end up married with kids. that rarely happens in real life. thats y i love reading it in books so much! ]
I.Read.And.Write.Not.Much chapter 26 . 12/26/2009
Brilliant story!

I am going to miss Sam, Jack, Nicole, and all the other characters...even though i only read this for, day...

" It was a super cute story so i got hooked.

Awesome Job~!
A. Watts chapter 26 . 11/29/2009
Aw! I can't believe it's over! It was a really sweet story and I'm going to miss Jack and Nicole! I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my best friends! :(
Bunpire chapter 25 . 11/26/2009
haha, i wonder what would happen when she found out James is Jake

MaPluie chapter 25 . 11/26/2009
Ah, I can't wait to read for the next chapter. :D
Buddie24688 chapter 25 . 11/25/2009
I like this story! When you say 'Will' make sure it looks like that rather than 'will' people will get confused... That's almost the only flaw I noticed...!
A. Watts chapter 25 . 11/25/2009
Eek! Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
twilight24 chapter 24 . 11/16/2009
It sounds good now. The previous chapter makes more sense now that you took out the other stuff. It just confused me for a bit there. But yeah, I think it's funny how everyone but Nicole knows that Jack's her mystery date. And man, her parents irk me!
Bunpire chapter 24 . 11/16/2009
I just found your story and loved it (;

Jack is just so sweet! can't wait for Nicole to see that her mystery date is actually Jack (:

(\ /)


(_) Bunpire
A. Watts chapter 24 . 11/16/2009
Aw ... Great chapter! Love it!

Can't wait for the next one!
A. Watts chapter 23 . 11/6/2009
Aw ... So sweet!

Thanks for replying to my PM! I know it was probably really annoying, but I just had to ask!
twilight24 chapter 23 . 11/5/2009
idk, it just seems that they're too young to "fall in love" What are they? 16? I just dont see it happening. And there are several loopholes in this story

~what was Matt doing at the airport and why does he even care to explain things anymore?

~why did Jack's parents, as responsible adults, go along with Nicole's plans?

~Nicole can't legally buy her own plane ticket since she's under age

~the airport staff can get fired for letting someone pass into unauthorized areas

I'm sorry, I know it's not my place to be saying this since it's not my story, but I just thought I'd point those things out incase you wanted to go back and edit your story later on.
twilight24 chapter 22 . 11/5/2009
idk, it's just that even after everything, leaving just seems too irrational. I just dont see how she can just decide to leave like that!
A. Watts chapter 22 . 11/2/2009
Aw ... No! She can't leave him! It's torture! For both of them!

She isn't going to leave him. Right? RIGHT?
A. Watts chapter 21 . 10/31/2009
Eek! *does happy dance*

I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! Mwahahahaha!

Sorry about my breakdown ... I blame it on too much coffee. Anyway, it was a great chapter, but I'm sad for Nicole! I mean, a new sister/brother at her age! I'd kill my mom!

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