Reviews for Five Years Gone
AbbeyXD chapter 10 . 5/26/2011
Hope you update/finish this story too! please? :)
Anonymous chapter 10 . 9/18/2010
Oh my God, please, please, PLEASE post up some more chapters for this story... I'm dying to know what happens.

I love the plot, by the way, and your writing is really great. I read another of your stories - Changes. Of course, it's the 'REVISED' version, so not all the chapters are up yet, but it's really good as well.

So this is kind of a plea for updates for both the stories. I mean, I know that writing isn't the easiest thing in the world. Heck, I just give up writing my stories half-way through (probably why I haven't got any accounts on fanfiction or fictionpress).

But please try to update the stories as fast as possible. Because your story-telling is amazing, the plots are good, and it all seems real. You've captured life as it is, or as how it could be. And I don't get to read a whole lot of stories that accomplish that.
MarieAnn chapter 10 . 10/6/2009
I love your writing and your stories so feel free to post the one you're writing for your class
forbiddenlove13417 chapter 9 . 10/4/2009
this is really good, i love how it's different people's perspectives on the same event; although i also love reading about alanna and dom! keep up the great work!
Court123 chapter 9 . 9/20/2009
This is really good!

Keep going!

It's good!

Write some more!
Hazelnut Romance chapter 9 . 9/7/2009
omg. so much drama and the plot is so good! i was so scared that savannah would end up heart broken at the very end. maybe that's why jase is here? ;) update soon!
MarieAnn chapter 9 . 9/6/2009
I really liked this chapter. I love Dom and Alanna. I hope they manage to work things out.

A few mistakes I noticed:

1) "I was justI just couldnt handle it." - Awkward phrasing

2) "because of someone neither of us" - You don't finish this sentence

Can't wait to read more! Please update soon!
DOMOxKUN chapter 9 . 9/6/2009

i love it when a good story makes me cry.

but then my brother usually walks in and calls me a pussy for crying over a story.

he doesnt evenn knoww until he's read your stories !


But I probably would've loved Carter more.

But I'm getting this attachment to Jason even though he's only been in a few chapters.

I have this thing for the background guys.

Like, I have this thing for jacob black in twilight to edward who i think is ugly in the movie.

ahem. so yeah.

update soon (:
Alenor chapter 9 . 9/5/2009
ooh yay, things are getting sorted out. is savannah gonna end up with jason or something? cos she isn't going to end up with landon, he's still in love with chrissy...can't wait for more ~ Alenor
cosmopolitan chapter 9 . 9/5/2009
:D, i'm special, lol!

thanks for the update, looking forward to reading more soon!
cosmopolitan chapter 8 . 9/5/2009
i hope u have an epilogue or something where we learn landon and chrissy dont have a happily ever after at all... urgh

it's so bastardly to string a person along like he did with her... anyway, fantastic chapter, looking forward for more from you (with all of your works!)
DOMOxKUN chapter 8 . 9/1/2009
I totally forgot how good this story was until you reposted it!

So good. CRIED last time! But when you updated it last time, I read it but forgot what it was about so dropped it. ):

And so I decided to re-read it you know to see if I'd cry again.


And definitely excited for the next chapter!
Alenor chapter 8 . 9/1/2009
hmm, this is great so far. i can't wait for more to see what happens next. cya next time ~ Alenor
lacey chapter 7 . 9/1/2009
i like the story but if chrissy and landon end up together, ill be very dissapointed.
Xiaolu chapter 8 . 9/1/2009
So glad this one is back :) I love it so much ! Man, I still feel bad for Savannah... I get so obvious that Alanna and Dom are going back together, same for Chrissy and Landon. I mean, I'm not against true love and I know that they were the "real deal" but I dunno... I just like Savannah so much. (
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