Reviews for There is no Prince Charming!
LittleLadyLoveless chapter 8 . 11/2/2009
She should definitely end up with Gray. Demetrie is sweet, and the Prince Charming thing is great, but it makes for better drama to have her finally be with Gray. That way you can play up on things like Demetrie being angered by their relationship, or if she and Gray have trouble she can make him jealous by being around Demetrie, etc. So many possibilities.

Hope that helps! :}

TrueBelle chapter 8 . 11/2/2009
She needs to end up with Gray. The prince is too stuck up for her.
sappyromancelvr chapter 8 . 11/2/2009
bah. cliffie.

I like Demetrie, but somehow it seems like he has some other intention..

And what is up with this world?
StarEyed14 chapter 8 . 11/2/2009
what? a cliff hanger! no... lol

great update though!
ANewDayWillCome chapter 8 . 11/2/2009
*Swoons* This was lovely! Demetrie is terribly handsome and just gr! I was hoping he would kiss her! Damnit!
Unknown 7 chapter 7 . 10/28/2009
Really enjoying this story...loving the fact she's a strong woman, and thinks logically...XD...freakin awesome
ANewDayWillCome chapter 7 . 10/27/2009
Another great chapter!
ANewDayWillCome chapter 6 . 10/26/2009
I don't know...? I feel like maybe Demetrie is messing with Jens . Gray was so jealous its ridiculous and I feel like a catfight is going to happen between Jen & Lorianna: Bitchfest 2009 style! I also feel that Jen took Marys place and Mary took Jens place and she's in NEw York. But i could be wrong. But anyway... I loved this chapter. Loved the interactions. Loved everything about it!
ninahime chapter 6 . 10/25/2009
looks like the Prince has something for Jen ;)) this is interesting

and i don't like the Princess, i wanna see her face when she know that Gray has a thing for Jen lol that would be fun

update soon
RaeOUT chapter 6 . 10/25/2009
This is really good. There are a few things you missed in editing but they're minor and not horribly obvious. I can't wait to see how this plays out! You've got the time period down perfectly in how they treat her and in they're mannerisms. I can't wait to read more!
stop-drop-and write chapter 6 . 10/25/2009
excellent start.
StarEyed14 chapter 5 . 10/25/2009
so cute!
ninahime chapter 5 . 10/21/2009
ur story is so intriguing

update soon plz i can't wait to find out about Mary, the mystery in that place and especially the relationshio between Gray and Jen
ANewDayWillCome chapter 5 . 10/21/2009
I am in complete and utter love with your story. Everything is just... perfect! From the writing to the detail. Why the hell do you not have more reviews? Grr. I am so angry at the fact that people are not reviewing this story. Horrible stories get reviewed yet kick ass stories like yours get barely any. Well enough of my review rant. I love how Jen is a strong woman throughout the story and how her New York attitude stays intact. The physical abuse from Derek and Gray could be spirit- breaking for some, but she keeps it cool. And i'm guessing Gray and Jen have an atrraction for one another cannot wait to see that develop even more! Ezcellent job!
Snow Wolf Alpha chapter 4 . 10/18/2009
Cool, is this romance going to be with Gray or will it turn into a competition between him and Derek?

Looking forward to reading more.
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