Reviews for There is no Prince Charming!
SweetSarah2 chapter 27 . 4/9/2011
I really wish she would just tell him already. The whole 'About to run off a cliff' thing shocked me. Loving the story! XD
SweetSarah2 chapter 26 . 4/9/2011
Haha. I know how you feel about character being in control. The story is going great but I wish that she would just tell him already!
SweetSarah2 chapter 25 . 4/9/2011
Definitely thought it was Gray sitting there. But I didn't think that he was their 'in guy'. That surprised me. I feel sorry for Jen and I hope that Gray and her will make up soon. Great chapter. XD
SweetSarah2 chapter 23 . 4/9/2011
AH! Please tell me she's not going to end up married to that psychopath! Was the shadow she beneath her window Gray? Please, it has to have a happy ending. I can't believe she got forced into this situation! Have to go and read the next one...
SweetSarah2 chapter 22 . 4/9/2011
Oh my giddy aunt! I absolutely loved it! Demitrie is a asshat and Gray...I'm thinking that him kissing Lorianna was a misunderstanding. But if it's not then he's just as bad as Demitrie! XD
SweetSarah2 chapter 19 . 4/9/2011
Let me guess, Demitrie?
SweetSarah2 chapter 18 . 4/9/2011
OMG! Demetrie is such a douche, but Gray is wonderful. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter. Thought there were a few typos. By the way I forgot to mention this earlier. When Gray and Jen got to the pond and Jen says 'So, do you come to the pond often?' it made me want to crack up laughing. It sounded so much like that cliche 'Do you come here often?' I absolutely love this story! XD
Riley T chapter 31 . 4/8/2011
great read i loved it
SweetSarah2 chapter 16 . 4/8/2011
Yay! I LOVE the romance between Gray and her. Wonderful, will be reading the next chapter soon! XD
MuffinsRoxSox chapter 31 . 4/5/2011
Oh my freaking goodness gracious. That was...amazing. Terrifically wonderful, and absolutely, well, amazing. I cannot believe the ending. I mean, who wouldge thought that they would be real people in the real world? (if that makes any sense) So, it's like what happened in the book, the war and stuff like that, never happened? Huh... Well, anyway, that was absolutely amazing. :)
xkcbby chapter 31 . 4/2/2011
Oh my f*cking god. First off, I am beyond pissed. You left me hanging there when Jennifer goes back to the real world leaving Gray behind. What the hell? I cannot begin to describe how lovely this story is. It wasn't one of those complex, well worded-and for lack of a better word-sexually-tensioned stories, that seems to be topping the charts with awards. Don't get me wrong; I love those stories, but you, my dear, totally blew me away. I knew this would end happily via other reveiwers, but dam this was more than a happy ending. The read was sensational and out of this world. I didn't expect much in the beginning (being honest here), but it seemed well written and interesting, so I read on.

I love the characters. They were not the most in depth I have read, but I believe the plot and style suited that. Before I forget, I want to say: Please don't change anything!

I can't exactly place what you did to make me fall for Gray like Jenn did. I have read other stories that were simply captivating (with above descriptions), but something about this story had me devastated, in a good but heart wrenching way-the whole true love thing, Gray's hotness, and your build on the story. This read has definitely been unique for me. I love how Jenn finds those she met, and I like the idea that she'll have to start from scratch with everyone's relationships. It makes the story a little less happily ever after, as for now.

Gray has stolen my heart completely.
spit at sanity chapter 5 . 3/7/2011
you know, this story fits right in with the song: the pretender by the foo fighters. Great story by the way, I love it D
peaceout chapter 31 . 1/27/2011
Your story was absolutely amazing. I'm actually not into the whole time travel back, because it usually ends in a tragedy or a happy ending just like your's, but i think the reason I really enjoyed it was because you developed the characters so well and the way you laced your words to depict those adorable heart whelming moments were more sophisticated then other stories I have read. Yes, your story was a cliche and, unfortunately i have to say this word when i don't like using it, predictable, but to me it was also unique. I also like how it wasn't too repushed or too slow. You really have good timing as a writer, and i really appreciate that kind of talent. Thanks so much for finishing it (even though I'm reviewing this late). You really satisified my romantic thirst. Lol.
Astarael-11 chapter 31 . 1/15/2011

Oh my gosh, so I totally and utterly loved this story. I thought the writing was great and I absolutely loved the characters. Like, for some reason I was always weary of the Prince even though he was being nice to her (although that may also have been because you made Gray so freaking hot :P), I hated Lorianna and I thought Gray was one of the hottest fictional characters I'd ever read about.

Anyway, I relly liked it and was a little jealous because I wish I could write like this (but I hope you don't hold the jealousy against me) and yeah. I'm sorry, I'm rambling now. I just wanted to say I enjoyed your story very much and I was sad to see it end.
Guest chapter 31 . 1/8/2011
This story is amazing you should really publish it:). I think it's one of my favourites on this website. I love Gray I was so annoyed when he kissed her and I knew she had to leave but I kinda new it would work out. Thanks for the amazing story:-D
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