Reviews for The Wall
original.cabbage.patch.kid chapter 1 . 4/28/2010
I really feel like there's a deeper meaning to this. Like life is smooth but you'll run into bumps that could ruin what you've worked for. Very nice!
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 1 . 10/3/2009
Okay, well throughout this whole piece, I could tell that there was like a hidden meaning to it, atleast it did to me. It seemed to be talking about life, in this part especially...

"Paint eventually starts peeling anyway. After a while all of your efforts will seem like nothing.

I can't help but to think to myself: Why bother? No one will appreciate that you painted the wall. They will forget that you even painted in the first place."

Awesome ending too! It added this simplicity to the whole thing, I really liked reading this :D