Reviews for One Night Stand
Clare chapter 25 . 7/1/2015
One night stand to a long term relationship. Dis is great
omiobabbinocaro chapter 20 . 1/4/2013
Wow, she is totally needy AND clingy. RUN Gavin! RUN!
chantellovesya chapter 25 . 6/1/2012
The end was brilliant. I was up cursing and yelling at them the whole way through. Such a great story, it's truly a shame that it doesn't have more recognition.
Angelbaby1991 chapter 25 . 5/3/2012
Great Story.
AJS chapter 25 . 9/14/2011
Oh wow. I didn't realize that you guys were two separate authors until I read your A/N at the very end of the last chapter. Awesome job! I didn't even notice the difference, though does that just say something about how much attention I paid to the writing style... ?

Anyway this was a great story and I enjoyed it a lot. I guess we all wish something could end up as great as what Ashlee and Gavin found. I really liked how you guys covered so many bases of a relationship though, and you really nailed all those doubts head-on, at least from a girl's perspective (can't really speak from a guy's). It was pretty endearing to experience it all with them, I must admit.

I think the only real thing that bothered me about this story was how involved and invested Ashlee was in her relationship with Gavin. I am a die hard romantic as much as the next girl, but I guess I also acknowledge the fact that school and life matters, and it shouldn't completely revolve around one guy. I also guess I would have thought that Gavin, a guy who achieved a 3.8 in college, would have recognized that as well and been more supportive of Ashlee's studying. I had to cringe every time I realized she was putting off studying just to spend time, play housewife, and advance her relationship with Gavin. Also I definitely saw the validity in Ashlee's exes' complaints that she was too serious. There's no doubt about that. I thought they moved pretty fast, but the only thing that was a bit TOO fast and out of place was how quickly they moved in together, especially considering she is only a sophomore in college and hadn't even informed her parents that she was SEEING someone new. The other thing was the lack of mention of parents in this story. For some reason it just didn't seem real to me, and suddenly they were thrown in towards the end like it was just remembered that there was not even a single reference to them beforehand. And lastly, which all culminates to Ashlee's life revolving around Gavin, is the lack of time she spent with her friends once she began seeing Gavin. I understand everyone has their honeymoon phase of their relationship where all they want to do is spend time with that other person, but I guess in terms of messages the story sends out (not that people should be following this story for life advice), I think maintaining friendships even after one enters a serious relationship should also be a priority.

All in all though, this was a really cute story, and I enjoyed it a lot. I do like the dynamic that Ashlee and Gavin had, and perhaps I bought into Gavin's whole I-do-nothing-so-anything-I-do-to-show-I-care-is-hot deal as well. I hope you two will continue to write more stories in the future!

- Alyssa
sydney420 chapter 25 . 5/7/2011
One of the best stories I've ever read in my life. I fell IN LOVE with the characters, the story. It was addicting, to say the least. It felt realistic... Utterly realistic. I smiled, I laughed, I teared up, I blushed... This kinda gave me hope that maybe one day I'll find my Gavin. :) THANK YOU, for the amazing read. Keep writing, my dear. Your exceptionally talented.
sora kinomoto chapter 25 . 5/7/2011
I loved this story! Thanks so much for writing it!
Believe-Your-Imagination chapter 25 . 1/19/2011
Great story! im sad that its over.
chng234 chapter 25 . 1/13/2011
i was surprised with this ending... but i m glad that things work out in the end for the couple
FlowerNinjagurl101 chapter 25 . 1/13/2011
OH wow...what a sudden ending...i didnt really like couldve added a little more to the story and had a smooth ending...the story was was fun reading this...maybe you should add an epilogue to give it a clean finish.

other than that..keep up the good work

DELETE THIS ACCOUNT NOW 323402 chapter 25 . 1/13/2011
wow... this was a very weird ending... i was totally not expecting that... that was definitely not a cliche!

but i still loved it

i hope you will do something like an epilogue...
DELETE THIS ACCOUNT NOW 323402 chapter 24 . 12/27/2010
i feel like the baby is already ruining everything for them

what a great way to have a slap of reality


please please please update soon
chng234 chapter 24 . 12/27/2010
i like gavin.. he is very responsible...
FlowerNinjagurl101 chapter 24 . 12/27/2010
update soon:)
whysgirlfriend chapter 24 . 12/27/2010
its so cute. im so glad shes making an effort!
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