Reviews for What Hurts The Most
Annoyed chapter 6 . 8/1/2023
Your story sucks. Terribly written. Go k!ll yourself already
Guest chapter 25 . 6/23/2013
I know you wrote this story a few years ago, but I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading it! I don't even remember what I was searching when I came across it, but I'm glad I did! The storyline is very intriguing.. I would tell myself one more chapter,,, and then end up reading five more because I wanted to know what was going to happen next! The only thing I would suggest would be more detail and imagery throughout.. that would really make the story! I will definitely be reading the sequel. Overall, AMAZING. So glad I randomly read this :)
CrazyCinderellaGirl chapter 25 . 9/11/2011
The only words I can speak are...LOVE! :D
Willa Blythe chapter 25 . 6/21/2011
64ShatteredButterflys chapter 11 . 4/7/2011
DaughterOfPoseiden47 chapter 25 . 7/13/2010
Loved it... Thers only one problem and I kinda am mad about this no offence... But what about Seth? He just got dumped and left in the cold... He should end up in her life... Maybe in the same position Derek was? I don't know but he just seems like he should be with her. It's just the right thing I think. Sorry I hope you're not taking this the wrong way... I just kinda thought Seth was a good guy then he got dumped in the cold... He should get to be like Trace and be a best friend. Do you see what I'm getting at here? I just kinda wish Seth could have been mentioned or something...? Sorry bout all that I was just saying my opinion.. I hope you really consisder my thoughts... But I would really love you're thoughts on my story. I love hearing what other people think. And I would be honored if you would read me story and give your thoughts on it. It's called "Wanted". I love hearing what other people think. :) Thanks and I loved the story. You're an awesome writer! Keep it up! Sequal? Please? :)
DaughterOfPoseiden47 chapter 2 . 7/13/2010
love the second chapter! :)
DaughterOfPoseiden47 chapter 1 . 7/13/2010
I forgot to sign in lol but I will in a second but I havnt got a chance to read all but I will read all :)
frozenworld chapter 17 . 4/22/2010
uhm... hey just wondering was it really Seth or Derek who said this line "Jo-"? hehe... sorry about bugging you love your stories by the way. the one on the 16th line from jojo's POV? thanks
Scarlet Dawn chapter 25 . 4/17/2010
Oh. My. God. This was an awesome story. I was completely in love with the idea of Jojo to be in love with Seth but no... it turns out that she falls in love with Derek. Oh boy... such a compelling twist ;D

Overall, a purely AWESOME and INCREDIBLE job!

~ Love Fia
AlexsandraGabriel chapter 25 . 4/11/2010
OhMyGosh! Poor Seth D: D: D: But He Should Atleast End Up With Molly! & Trace Should Get Someone! :D But It Was A Great Story. SEQUEL PLEASE.
fallenxalive chapter 25 . 2/11/2010
omg omg omg omg

you HAVE to do a sequel

you know hwen you first did it in dereks pov in the later chapters,i though that maybe you made a mistake or something but then it turned out derek was ALIVE!

i heart this story
JustWords chapter 25 . 2/11/2010
This is an awesome story... but i just thought that maybe some things could be a bit more dramatic, or in some cases, less so. When Derek is at her door after being dead for the past three months, it just seemed to me that after crying over him for the past three months (?) that her reaction would be a bit more dramatic... opening the door, and just saying "your alive?" is sorta like a downplay to the fact that he had faked his death.

I hope you don't take this too harshly, i just wanted to point out something that i thought was a bit off, as one writer to another :)

You have an awesome story here, and a great beginning with the sequel :D great writing!

cheers :)
Person 202 chapter 25 . 2/8/2010
Love this story.

Great job .

A Moment In The Rain chapter 25 . 2/8/2010
SEQUEL, SEQUEL, SEQUEL! I cant believe its over! Great ending! This was an amazing story! Let me know if you do a sequel!
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