Reviews for He Called Me Beautiful
Avery420 chapter 23 . 7/24/2011
Can I just say that this story was simply amazing. I laughed, rolled my eyes are witty remarks, and you literally brought me to tears. This is the first story I've read of yours and I'm just telling you now, I'm going to your profile to read more. You're an amazing writer. Good job! Oh! and I really think you should make a sequel. If you do, I'm deff reading that. No doubt.

-Ave! :D
lovebug101 chapter 23 . 3/10/2011
AW a sad but happy ending !
love-not-fight chapter 23 . 3/10/2011
wow! what an intense story! it wasso sad when roger died i cried! :'(
RooFaDoo chapter 22 . 3/6/2011
I like how the ending isn't just them all, "Let's be boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Cris and Mirandah both know they need to recover before they can start a stable relationship.

I love the plot, and though some parts were really extreme, it was a really good story. :DD
lovebug101 chapter 22 . 3/6/2011
I can't belive Roger is dead! I really thought she should go with Cris! I wonder what will happen in the next one!
Myst C chapter 22 . 3/5/2011
I'm glad they decide to be together now...i liked cris from the beginning well after i noticed he really meant is feelings for her..i still cant believe roger is dead..thats just so sad poor guy...and as for matt i feel bad for him too he used to be creepy but now i just feel sad for him. thw whole gang thing was a surprise..update soon!
STDmaster chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
Wow you really have talent! Shiningdarkness97 is an aspiring writer and could use the reviews of someone as talented as you!
XshadowxdemonX chapter 21 . 3/3/2011
Whoah... toatally unexpected...
EllaLewis chapter 1 . 3/3/2011
I've been reading this story on my phone, and have thus been unable to comment until now. I love the story and the way you write it. Please keep up the good work(I love havign stories to read when my dad thinks I'm texting. He doesn't understand phones.) Thank you!
theawesome chapter 20 . 3/1/2011
you seriously need to update soon... IT'S SO AWESOME!

my heart is really beating fast... you have to update! AHH! I CAN'T TAKE TOO MUCH PRESSURE! HELP! UPDATE!

oh and just some advice... make longer chapters ;)
D Castle chapter 19 . 2/27/2011
Thanks for updating! Personally I wouldn't go near Matt ever again but I have to admit I am curious as to what he wants to say :) Glad to hear Cris is alive for the time being!
U MadeMyLifeComplete chapter 19 . 2/26/2011
WOW she finally did it and addmited to Rodger I happy but sad scared but exited wow yjis has to be the most packed chapter and best and worst cliff hanger ever!
Storyteller165 chapter 19 . 2/26/2011
Oh...wat will happen wat will happen... i wana know! Great chpter, btw! keep it coming! :D
Myst C chapter 19 . 2/26/2011
wow...she rejected roger...she had to there was nothing there besides she should be with cris who would jump in front of a bullet for her.. obviously he would since he jumped in front of a knife ffor her. i hope cris is okay , matt still gives me shiver, and poor roger i hope he finds someone who loves him back.
D Castle chapter 18 . 2/20/2011
No! Please update soon! Also, please don't let Cris die! Great story and great characters. I am hooked :)
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