Reviews for I Can't Help But Dream of You
SilverSamurai26 chapter 6 . 10/13/2014
Aww CB I'm going to read the "sequel" now!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/24/2013
This is so cute
Kilian Grey chapter 6 . 2/15/2013
Very enjoyable. Well written with very enjoyable images.
Kilian Grey chapter 2 . 2/15/2013
I like the story and will read on but it is waist not waste - BIG difference.
RealityIsRealitive chapter 6 . 5/9/2011
Love the story, and it's well written, but it feels unfinished. Sort of like you got halfway through writing it and then suddenly stopped. I was sort of surprised to see that there wasn't another chapter. It's like there's all this build up, and then there's the climax, but there's no "falling action", as my english teachers used to call it, after the climax. Technically things are resolved, but it still feels like there should be more. The same goes for the second story in the series, which I just happened to read first. So, love the stories, and I plan to read more of your work, but think of writing an epilogue.
Bookworm24601 chapter 6 . 3/25/2011
Aw. So sweet.
mewlexi chapter 6 . 10/12/2010
Awe, i'm sad now, i've finished all of your stories *sob*...oh well, i'll come back to read them later on...I'm your biggest fan now x
mewlexi chapter 2 . 10/12/2010
Hahahaha aha ahahahah aha ha ha "In his sleep, the cat had tumbled from the top bunk and landed on his butt." That has to be one of the funniest images ever!
NormaJean Beausoleil chapter 6 . 9/2/2010
aw! cute. really interesting thro the seme's pov. great job!
xoxlizzie chapter 2 . 4/18/2010
Awesome story, I can't wait to see what happens next!
Emoshun15 chapter 6 . 4/2/2010
That was so adorable! and very well writen might i add. Good job! ]

Supernatural Dark Seduction chapter 6 . 11/30/2009 few people read such a great story...

Well, their loss. Anyways, I thought it was absolutely ADORABLE!

Great story! XD
ireadtoomanybooks chapter 6 . 11/15/2009
LOVE THIS TO BITS~! Yuki is so cute *-* Cat-people are pure love
Twisted Tranquility chapter 6 . 10/24/2009

Although, I have to admit, the story did progress rather quickly, almost like it was rushed. You didn't put too many details for the supporting characters, like their appearance.

But other than that, it was well written and enjoyable to read. Did you get the idea from Rosario Vampire?
Rora chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
Cute story.