Reviews for For The Win
Myr chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
YES! I'm lovin' it.
FizzyLizzy chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
I wish this one was longer too. Why are your characters so addictive? You pain me!

Finally, a strong, kick-arse chick who doesn't take any shite. 21st century women for the win!

Oh, you've reduced me to an exclamation mark fiend. Boo.


Liz xx
Sapphyre Nymph chapter 1 . 11/29/2009
ithinkyourgay chapter 1 . 10/23/2009
this story is good, i like it

but there history is confusing.

did they both admit their feelings to each other when they were younger?

and how did there friendship stop?
passer-by chapter 1 . 10/21/2009
like it (: the character is pretty interesting, what with her competitiveness and all. keep writing! XD
Jade Q. Dean chapter 1 . 10/20/2009
Yay! You're back With another awesome story! Liked it a lot!
apples ate my chocolate bar chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
no I think it works as is. oh and because i am a lazy bum I can't be bothered to go on about how much I liked it.

PS my top has polka-dots.
flunkybubbleshorts chapter 1 . 10/19/2009
It was different! Way different.. I think it was great.. Maybe a slightly different end.. but i can't picture it. :)

je ne veux pas travailler chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
LOL have i told you you're amazing ;D

"Unlike me; tall and flat, like road kill."

Loves it!
Yellow.Jellow chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
NO! I think I like it as it is. This story shows maturity in your writing, both the plot and the language as well. Loved how the story was based on a past event but you didn't dwell on it. No "flashbacks" or awkward "here's a re-cap of what happened". It made me even more curious to know what the heck happened six years ago and you divulged enough to satisfy my curiosity without sounding lame.

Also, very nice character development. But grammar wise, I think you may have forgotten a word and punctuation or two, not a big deal because they're not noticeable.
Ck90 chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
I think that originally it came out as more than a one shot, perhaps a two shot. I love the characters, but if you feel that is missing something i would think it would be more details about her feelings and perhaps explaining a bit more why he left. LOVED IT, Amazing just like your other stories, They really are cute together, muscles! :) good luck with school and happy writings!
blurrylights chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
Aw! I loved it. :) So so cute...j'adore.
MistressBlack852 chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
such a great story and soo cute lol

completely loved this oneshot :)

aand i like it as it is lol a great way to end it :D
asianinvasion0530 chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
Yay new story!

I like the "I can do everything you can do better" thing between them. ]
Cupid's Jinx chapter 1 . 10/18/2009
AW! Again, I absolutely adore your work!

If I had power over all of the world, I would keep you in my fabulous castle and make you write for me - homework and school be damned.

In fact, if I ruled the world, there wouldn't be any homework...

Gah, can't wait to read some more of your work!



P.S. I think this is awesome as is :P
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