Reviews for The Inn on Ravenna Road
Danica West chapter 2 . 2/4/2013
...aaaand here I am once again! I just couldn't help myself. I read that you'd edited this and added a little extra, so I just had to have a peak and the next thing I know, I'm glued to my screen :) I think this is like the fourth time I'm reading this story. But it will always be my favorite, I just love it and all the characters! I'm on chapter 3 now and miiiaaw.. when Alec is being all handy and stuff.. I'm drooling just by the picture in my head.. I mean, a hot guy, in a police uniform... while drilling and measuring and being all handy... I want that picture on my calendar (the same picture on each month, please!) I've always had a thing for men who know how to build things :) Luckily for my boyfriend he's a carpenter and I've found myself drooling over him when he's been fixing stuff in the house haha :)
There's just so many scenes in this I love. I laughed out loud when Ben is fanning his face, thinking Alec can't see him - priceless! I wish this could be made into a movie!

..And brussel sprouts! I've never been crazy about them either, but I got all hungry after reading the way Alec cooked them.. yummy! I must try that.

"Maddie and David" HAHA! Ben is so right, they kinda remind me of them, the way they always taunt each other, and then with all the sexual tension. Moonlighting really was a great show.. but unlike moonlighting, Alec and Callie are still great once they get together..

Ah, how I love this story.. and you deserved to hear it from me from the 3874th time :)
72898 chapter 2 . 8/13/2012
Congrats on your newest addition! Boy or girl? :-)
Midnight113 chapter 2 . 8/13/2012
Wow, how funny, I was just thinking about this story yesterday and I thought, 'I want to read that again'. And low and behold, I get this message in my inbox, lol. That's awesome to hear, I'll definitely go find it on Wattpad. I actually think Wattpad is pretty decent, they have some pretty cool stories over there. Thanks for letting us know and I'm really, really hoping you update your other story soon (really soon!) ;) Congrats on the new addition and the promotion - good for you! Keep up the amazing work! :)
nikita1589 chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
oh thank god i found this story again, really love it! you're a great writer :)
nomoreupdates chapter 2 . 8/13/2012
Hello! Congrats on your baby! Little girl or boy? That's amazing!

I still have to read your stories so im thinking now would be a good time :). Miss hearing from you!
flunkybubbleshorts chapter 2 . 8/13/2012
Good to hear! I'll be looking forward to be able to reading The Inn again! (I've been missing it so so much).
Congratulations on both the baby and the promotion :)
SmokingEngraved chapter 2 . 8/13/2012
. . .
This was (and still is) by FAR one of my most adored stories on FP (if it isn't favourited, sorry, I'm lazy... In fact, I'll fave it naow XD) and OHMYGOD I can't WAIT to re-read it!
Much thanks (again) and congrats on the kid!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Oops sorry for the last comment :) I mixed my tabs up and posted it on the wrong story, sry for any confusion I caused
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
I love All Time Low :) 3
Amy chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
You should try ! Can't copy and paste there.
SmokingEngraved chapter 1 . 5/13/2012
DA-chen1 chapter 18 . 5/2/2012

Really lovely story!

DA-chen1 chapter 14 . 5/2/2012
Yeah! Really hot stuff :-)

Like them both together- like that.. harharrr..

DA-chen1 chapter 13 . 5/2/2012
Great, I really love them! :-)

DA-chen1 chapter 2 . 4/30/2012
Great story! I really like your style! ;-)

I thought about it, Humboldt isn't the murderer of her friend!

It's evident.. but Alec didn't see it!

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