Reviews for Trainwreck
Chelsea Taylor chapter 30 . 3/16/2010
love your story. im happy they finally got together :)
Astarael-11 chapter 30 . 3/13/2010
Um, ok, I totally wish I had a Judd of my very own but alas it is not meant to be. I think it's cute how much he loves Sadie and what he's willing to do for her.

Anyway, good chapter as always!
Paige Lynn Porter chapter 30 . 3/13/2010
One: I love The Breakfast Club. It's one of my favorite movies

Two: This made me cry. Seriously, tears are running down my cheeks right now. It is so beautiful! You have been given a gift and it is just so fun to read a story like this. This isn't just a typical love story. Judd and Sadie are brilliant and I love that you have brought them to life. They are so different from so many other characters that are brought to life and my day was just made because I read this! Thank you so much for writing this!
chng234 chapter 30 . 3/13/2010
judd can be so sweet. hope tony dont do anything bad on both of them
LogInGirl chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
I admit I was mad when i scrolled down to finish reading and i saw the review button.. meant end of chapter.. update quickly please! and i put in a request for more romance with them.. if its not what u want leave it out but yeah.. just my feeback *blush* your amazing at writing! i tingle from the feelings your portray with ur writin' :)

- LogInGirl
E. Collins chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
This is so sweet and so well written. I love stories like this. I've spent all day reading it! Your characters rock and I love your characters names. Did you know that Sadie actually means princess? Well, yeah, it does. Great job!


Doll-Fin-Chick chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
So naive Sadie darling.

Aradia Cloud chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
Ha. Tony got his butt whooped. And Judd knows that he's sprung. He's gonna go to homecoming.
u wouldjustbe AWESO without ME chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
i think their relationship is going too fast..
ilovepunks chapter 30 . 3/12/2010

you dont know how cute that chapter was really. judd is a sweetheart.

i was smiling the whole way through reading it. its beautiful- really, it is!

well done!

-ilovepunks xx
HelgaBertoni chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
Loved it, update soon!
moonlitmidnight chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
Aw the ending was so cute! I love their relationship... It took them long enough. Umm one thing I wanted to mention... I think you meant the "facets of homecoming" not "faucets" cuz "faucet" is like a tap that water comes out of. That was the only error that I caught. It was a very cute chapter!

Please update soon and sorry for not reviewing the last chapter
Alexis1702 chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
Cute. chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
aw! thts so sweet! i love how judd relly cares about saddie. they r the CUTEST couple ever. i love ur writing-it makes their relationship alive and real, almost. and i LOVE how judd is defending sadie. i relly hope he takes her to homecoming. anywho, luv u and ur stories! tootles.

xo- Heaven's Angel Behold-Katyi
Jessie Wulf chapter 30 . 3/12/2010
Aw.. Cute. Absolutely cute. Keep it up, cause you're doing a great job!
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