Reviews for Trainwreck chapter 25 . 2/12/2010
Aw! tht was so sweet! cant wait for the next chappie! again, loved it, and i relly hope their "talk" will b a little more than just a talk. :) keep writing!

xo- Katyi
Alice Novak chapter 25 . 2/12/2010
aww... You have me smiling.

This is simply too sweet. And you're not dragging it in any bit whatsoever. I love it! x

Awaiting the next update of this story!

It really is one of the best everr!

pbgurl chapter 25 . 2/12/2010
I'm so anxious to hear what he has to say to her when they talk the next day.

-Liz :D
kiss-n-tell chapter 25 . 2/12/2010
Aww it seems that Judd likes Sadie. In a weird kind of way. At least he finally confided in her for something .

I absoulutley love this story alot. Glad I can finally review now.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
FairyTale87 chapter 1 . 2/11/2010
I love this story! It's so well crafted and put together. I can't wait to read chapter 25 when you post it! You're an amazing writer, and I'm so envious :) haha anyways, amazing story.

Evanescence's Love chapter 24 . 2/10/2010
Scary. Judd's abusive father is making me think of the Joker's scar story.
Alice Novak chapter 24 . 2/10/2010
oh no! I hope Judd will be okay! Will be stand and fight his father? or will he push past the older man and out the house? or will be get hurt?

OH! If he gets hurt, then Sadie will visit him, and then Judd will confess his undying love for her... nvm.

update soon! x

Alice Novak chapter 23 . 2/10/2010
aw.. that's so sweet, "Judd considered her to be his, and in some way, considered himself hers'." - it's a beautiful passage. Made my heart skip a beat, literally. lol.

Heather chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
I absolutely love this story, don't get me wrong. However, I'm going to have to agree with BreakingBeauty on this one. I know you warned everyone that this story was going to be somewhat slow moving. I think it's a little TOO slow though. Nothing all that monumental has really happened between Judd and Sadie since the last chapter of the first detention (sorry, can't remember the exact chapter) and it gets a bit frustrating reading a bunch of filler chapters. You're a great writer though, I just wish the storyline would speed up a bit more.
BreakingBeauty chapter 24 . 2/7/2010
You know, I really do enjoy this story, but I can't help but feel that the story is kind of dragging along xP It's still wonderful, but it can be pretty disaapointing when you feel that something's about to happen and then you end up waiting another chapter or so to get to it. / Anyways, I can't wait for the next chapter :]

Court123 chapter 24 . 2/7/2010
This is great!

I love it!

That is so sad!

blazinghues chapter 24 . 2/7/2010
Aww, poor Judd :( -sighs- if ONLY he would stop pushing her away. Gah, I hope Sadie doesn't give up on him. Update soon! This was a great chapter.
chng234 chapter 24 . 2/7/2010
i really wish judd will have a better family.
moonlitmidnight chapter 24 . 2/7/2010
Again...too lazy to sign in...

But, that was a good chapter. He finally stood up for her honor! Even though he's going to pay for it... run Judd run!

Please update soon!
iiHEARTyuu chapter 24 . 2/7/2010
I like reading Judd's point of view :) it's always q nice change to read a guys perspective lol.

Sorry if my reviews are kind of random and stuff. But I'm not quite sure what to say. And I don't find any typos or things like that. Plus I've never liked English, so I don't really have a flair for all that technical stuff. lol
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