Reviews for Wild Love 2
zagato chapter 2 . 12/26/2018
This is cool, thank you!
Anvilation chapter 2 . 1/18/2014
You should write another chapter or sequal.
heal me forever chapter 2 . 12/14/2012
awww good stry
F.H.W chapter 2 . 10/9/2012
I cried like shit then poof he's alive-.- wasted my tears but really good story:)
Fabulous as FCUK chapter 2 . 2/7/2012
Awww. That's not nice


wookborm chapter 2 . 8/17/2011

I was crying from a broken heart and you decide to spring THIS on me?


I'd like to read more of this. Alexis is just so freakin' hot! :D

Sorry, my message is really sporadic and hardly makes sense- but in my defense, it's 1AM and I'm sleepy and... yeah! I'm a new reader, by the way. : I shall read all of your other works (that of which... I think I read on your homepage are mostly one-shots). Please keep up the awesome work! :) People with this much talent must use it to their full advantage!

Much love,

Guest chapter 2 . 8/1/2011
Barely juss read this but damnit, i was fooled . I was about to cry on the chapter before this because he died and then i thought for the epilogue she was gonna end up killing herself or something? then BAM hes a wolf now and they're gonna spend forever together3! hee xDD
Luha66 chapter 2 . 7/20/2011
Thank you SO much for this sequel (and its epilog: but that's the girly girl speaking...)!

I really liked "Wild Love" with its adult content: the fact that you're dealing with adults and the brutal darkness of the action (the smut is nice, but not what i'm usually looking for).

One chapter was good to hook the reader but bad for the nerves. The sequel brought a closure on the 1st chap's cliffhanger: the nerves can rest now.
KayleeJohn chapter 2 . 5/9/2011
DAMN YOU! I thought he was gone! You had me pulling out a kleenex box!
lightXdarkness chapter 2 . 4/15/2011
You know, you fooled me. Man I should sue ! At first I seriously thought he was a goner. I mean I could feel my throat tighten and my eyes get watery. Thankfully I read the author note which I do sometimes and learned about the second chapter. I feel so sad it came to an end but still. Nice story by the way. XD
findingguidance chapter 2 . 1/16/2011
oh thank goodness...

i almost didn't see that there was a second chapter to this one LOL
MarmotYazik chapter 2 . 1/6/2011
Yes. You did fool me.

I do not appreciate it. :
MarmotYazik chapter 1 . 1/6/2011

I should have just not read this one, that way I wouldn't have had to deal with his prolonged death :'( Why are the slow goodbyes always the worst?

Love the story though! :)
xEchoxInfernox chapter 2 . 9/27/2010
lol u scared the crap outta me, im so glad its happy cause i really hate sad endings.

on a different note he would be an awesome alpha...

ur characters and storyline are great, its interesting how u made out the werewolves 2 be. i mean how do they have so little loyalty? what the heck is wrong with there human side? but i kinda like it like that, like i said, interesting.

and i love how u made the female wolf stronger, that was so awesome. and it makes sense 2, at least 2 me lol. i would explain why but this is getting long and boring so i'll leave nowD.

bingowildshadow chapter 2 . 6/24/2010
Ah, you did have me there for a second. Nice _ I really like the way you write, you capture emotions really well I think.
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