Reviews for Forever Ink
InsanityAndBeyond chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
woo ok I know these stories are wayyy old and you most likely don;t even use the site anymore or will see this... I still thought I'd review since I read the stories, and I believe thats fair.

I came across it on a community forum, and read tw or three of the tattooed stories in one go. Mainly because the one person I was most interested, and the recurring sotry that held the most promise for me was ...kane and kinley. And the character that came across the most sympathetic, especially in the beginning was kinley.

luckily I skipped ahead a couple chapters in, so i can see the ending. I have to say im dissapointed. Its almost like kinleys character was deliberately ruined so we'd feel better about him not getting his happy ending.

but tbh, he's still one of the more sympathetic characters to me, and kane and him had great ptoential chemistry. The way kane borderline bullied him for years, as did the rest of the guys... Im not sure why he should be the complete bad one. Espiecally since some fo the characters, like jessie, were very questionable in a LOT of their actions. it was a bit diappointing tbh.

anyway, just thougt id give a short review ahah.
grace15ayo chapter 14 . 5/28/2016
I love your story you are a amazing writer and I love everything you and though I think that most your story need to be finish so I can find out what happens next
Guest chapter 14 . 8/7/2014
Omg I loved this. I was happy for kane and reese and like at first I wanted kane with kinley but he changed way to much and idk wat to really feel anymore. Lol but seriously I hope u write an epilogue of their first time or something. Also cant wait for the threesome
morningstorm70 chapter 14 . 6/1/2014
Should have an epilogue of their first time
A Darker Heaven and Hell chapter 3 . 1/7/2014
Please post that threeway.

Anyway, I need to finish Canvas's story. And Kinley is a dick like always.
A Darker Heaven and Hell chapter 2 . 1/7/2014
Fuck yes I've been dying to reed that threeway! And does Canvas marry Nicholas? I haven't finished reading that story yet.
A Darker Heaven and Hell chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
Again, I love Jessie. I also love Kane and Kinley, but Kinley is an asshole in this.
SakuraBlossoms8 chapter 14 . 12/16/2013
I love it can't wait for the next chapter. It would be interesting if the newest guy was a pretty boy uke 3
Guest chapter 12 . 1/24/2013
No! I really wanted Kane & Kinley to work out their differences. I feel like you've changed Kinley's character. There was so much potential there & I'm disappointed. I can't keep reading now Kinley's character is different. I mean, they've bern in love with eachother for years. They need to get over the guilt. Because, Max is dead. They are in love with eachother. Kinley was never the little shit he's been made out to be here. I was invested from the first book on in their relationship & their characters. I love the other nooks & have read most of your works. But, I can't help feeling betrayed. I can't accept it & I won't be giving Reese a chance no matter how great or nice or reformed he is...Sorry, but I'm not going to read this one anymore. It doesn't interest me.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/24/2012
*infinite girlish squeals*

Ahhhhh even though I've probably failed shorthand I feel so nice and bubbly :D like all of your stories make me feel. You are amazing, awesome! I love you! *bows repeatedly*
Dinosaurs r dead chapter 13 . 5/24/2012
I didn't think I could be more addicted to your stories but now I can't escape from this one! I messed up my shorthand class because I just had to know! Damn uou and your addictive writing, and damn the sweetness of your characters! They remind me too much of mine... Only written better. I love Kane what a sweetie :( damn you kinley! Why you gotta make me hate you! Poor reesey! :(
eeyoresdarling chapter 14 . 5/21/2012
I'm sorry for being the type of awful person who only reviews at the end of a story because they want to know when it will be continued, but that is just how I am. This is a really fabulous series and this story has to be my favourite, so I was wondering why it is dead? They just got happy and stuff, if you labelled it as complete then I could accept it. However it isn't marked as complete.

I love the depth your characters possess, they seem so real and their personalities are so definite. The story line is definitely not lacking and is rich in plot, the only flaw I can see to the whole thing is the occasional typo. Oh! And the way your italics or bold sort of take over half way through a chapter, that is a bit whacked out.

I kinda can't get this story out of my head, hence the long ass rambly review. Sorry about this, I do tend to get a bit long winded. I also wanted to ask if I could do some fan art for you, I love Kane he's so pretty he must be drawn.

Please keep writing in such a fabulous way, it makes my heart swell and totally lights up my day.
RawwrrrRose chapter 14 . 4/18/2012
I have been reading all your stories about the Razorblade Kisses men and I must say you are a fantastic writer. The first thing I read by you was your story that is now on hold because some assholes decided to tell you a bunch of bullshit and flame you. I fucking LOVE that story, it was one of my absolute favorites and still is. Don't let jealous, obnoxious people get you down, cause you are a extremely talented writer. I love you, so keep up the writing please!
Xandrea chapter 14 . 10/26/2011
I love this. I can't tell if it's finished though. Either way it's great. :)
Adam-1D chapter 14 . 8/2/2011
Love this one too.
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