Reviews for Marrying The Juice Fiend
renroy chapter 4 . 11/13/2009

I love this story. i can't wait for the next chapter. i really like em and Vicson relationship. it's like he loves her no matter what.

TunglMed chapter 3 . 11/13/2009
aw that's so sad! it made me cry..

this is amzing, you're so good at writing. it msut be hard to write it though if its the same as you went through.

anyway, amazing, i can't wait to read more.

Laurice Dairo chapter 2 . 11/11/2009
the first story is really cute! i have to say that it was a perfect match from when you guys were just's just too adorable! anyway the 2nd chapter is so sad...i hope you'll finish's really nice ) xoxo
Esquirella chapter 2 . 11/10/2009
This actually happened? Wow! That's not what I expected to find out. I guess it's just different from what we're used to these days. But, no, you didn't seem mad in the first chapter. I guess I was projecting what I would feel about the situation should it have happened to me. This was a great update, but painful to read ... only because I lost my mom last year to a long bout with cancer though. Your writing was great!
Lulli101 chapter 2 . 11/10/2009
love it : ) it's really sad but I can't wait to see what happens next with her and Emmanuel,
Lulli101 chapter 1 . 11/9/2009
wow. Great start to the story, can't wait until your next update !

Esquirella chapter 1 . 11/9/2009
Cool twist to this plotline. I feel bad for the dad. How can you be mad at him for marrying you off when he's dying?
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