Reviews for Myriad of Misconceptions
No just no chapter 20 . 3/31/2018
Oh my God! Nathan is such an unlikeable character, I seriously couldn't stand him before but when Whorraine came back I just hated him like no other character before in any fic... Seriously he should have stayed with his Whorraine and lived happily ever after and have little devils running around, now that would have been such a great ending for a character like him! God, just thinking about him makes me wanna vomit all my breakfast! Also, I thought you would make him regret what he did to Als (I already forgot her real name, yeah another great character you got there, so weak and never speaking her mind or standing up for herself when it is really nesessary!) but no! You made him more of a jerk cracking jokes like he did nothing wrong! Ugh! Later on he ask her to be his girlfriend while in a fight! How romantic! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't with this story! I just can't! Now I have a bitter taste on my mouth because of such horrible characters (yeah I'm including Luke here as well, horrible brother tbh) Oh my God, I'm going to drink my tea with lots of sugar to see if I can calm the fuck down, and stop writing more things that I will regret for sure! Bye.
P.D. The only character I liked a little bit was Will. Bye now.
CaitlinEA chapter 20 . 6/27/2015
I don't think I read this last chapter (I liked it), but I re-read the whole story today. Always will be one of my faves :D
CoolKatt560 chapter 5 . 2/13/2015
I like this story. But I vote NATHAN!
renegade01 chapter 20 . 4/7/2013
awesome story. i liked the beginning half more than the end half for some reason. your last chapter was cool, having Nathan's thoughts on meeting Alayna, i liked that
Guest chapter 20 . 4/7/2013
awesome story. i liked the beginning half more than the end half for some reason. your last chapter was cool, having Nathan's thoughts on meeting Alayna, i liked that ;)
Guest chapter 20 . 3/15/2013
Ahhhhh! I love this it is so sweet. I was really happy when Alayna and Nathan got together.
heal me forever chapter 20 . 9/5/2012 just so freaking good..i loved each chaptyer to bits...very nicely written :D als nd nat r damn GOOD ..! luke nd chels super cute ..! hayd nd darren r hatke..i like darren much...if possible do a sequeal for him..! evrything was AWESUM...enjoyed it

great writing (:
Neverland.dream chapter 20 . 6/21/2012
gosh, I really love your story! :)

made me so happy and left butterflies swarming in my stomach! :)

anyway, i hope you write more stories like this. :)
streetracer-2012 chapter 20 . 4/8/2012
awesome story, nice ending.

nathan and alayna are so cute but so are luke and chelsey

love and all the mushy stuff,

colene chapter 19 . 11/15/2011
Hi! I wrote a review when i first read this last year under the name of "virtual author." I still very much love this story and am surprised that after a year i still remember what happens yet manage to feel all the emotion in the chapters as if it was my first time reading it. Oh how i would love it if there was a sequal :'D
Cdelancy chapter 20 . 8/21/2011
caitly chapter 4 . 5/12/2011
I really like this so far.

Just a note on something you have in your author's note. You put that you weren't sure if women need anytime between pregnancies. They don't; it's sometime's referred to as "Irish twins" when you have two kids in the same year but not at the same time (i.e.- One in January, and the second in November).
CrossMyHeart chapter 10 . 5/11/2011
"What if it was –8 degrees Celsius?"

hahaha that made me laugh. It was -40C here this winter. Beat you.
leng chapter 8 . 4/10/2011
Hi, I love this story, even though I just started reading it; but I have a questions.

1. What is the 'HSC' they talk about?


2. Are Luke and Alayan twins? Since they are in the same grade. I'm not sure how the grade system works in Australia.

Thanks SO much. I look forward to your future stories and to reading more on this one.
thegurlwholovedyou chapter 20 . 11/9/2010
AH amazing ! story so god I acctually like fell in love with it ! you never knew what was going to happen i was soo hooked, i think u should make a second one i dont want to say goodbye :( :L anyway its amazing!
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