Reviews for Myriad of Misconceptions
Sapphyre Nymph chapter 20 . 3/15/2010
this was nice..

though some parts lacked in body..
ashley chapter 20 . 3/15/2010
I like seeing Nathans POV it different since you add things about his life and his reactions to Alayna
Lildreamer's handguide chapter 19 . 3/5/2010
NO DON'T LET THEM GO! Sigh. A perfect finish. *Raised Glass*
RooFaDoo chapter 19 . 3/2/2010
aw! happy stuff! :)

i really liked this story. If only my brothers friend thought of me more than just as a sister. gr.

You're really good at writing. You should try and get this published:)
MintCcIceCream chapter 19 . 3/2/2010
Aww! Very cute ending! I really liked this story, and I think you did a really great job with the ending! I would love to read Nathan's version of Alayna's arrival! Good luck writing and with life and everything! LOVE THE STORY AND CHAPTER! UPDATE SOON!


HelgaBertoni chapter 19 . 3/2/2010
Loved it, it had the perfect ending!
EmmaWoodhouse88 chapter 19 . 3/2/2010
I wish you would write a sequal... I loved this story! I was always so exctited whenever I saw that you had updated. Please write a sequal! Please Please Please! :D Ok, I'm done begging now. Like I said I really enjoyed your story, you are a great writer. Reading stories like this takes me out of my boring school work for however long it takes me to read the chapters. I can't wait to see them meeting from Nathan's POV.
Buhbyesuckers chapter 19 . 3/2/2010
*sniffles and grabs a tissue to blow her nose* A Happy ending! *wails* I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS!

Thank you for writing a great story!

P.S You can always write one of the other character stories when you're in uni yourself...just saying... *shifty eyes*
goodbyes chapter 19 . 3/2/2010

love it
Deeps chapter 19 . 3/2/2010
What! This is the last chapter? No epilogue for this story. Aw, I'm going to miss Alayna and Nathan.

I think u should Hayden's story, I like him
dontneedyou chapter 19 . 3/2/2010
This is the last chapter? Seriously? No epilogue or anything more? Aw, I'm going to miss Alayna and Nathan. :( Well, this was a great read, so thanks for posting!

sw33tdaisie chapter 19 . 3/1/2010
well uni's a lot like high school except barely any hw and more studying, essays, and projects. then it depends if they are dorming living in a frat house or got their own place - or if they are still staying at home..which i doubt. if u want to write about Hayden in uni life just ask...also are Luke and Alayna twins or like 10 months apart? thanks for the update and this story was REALLY good!
MintCcIceCream chapter 18 . 2/16/2010
Aww! This is such a great story! I love it! I love how everything got resolved throughout the whole story! I loved the whole Will/Nathan story, and where Lorraine fit in! Very cliche, but I loved it! Also, I really hope you show what, if anything, goes on between Em and Will, because I think they're really cute together! As well as Luke and Chels! Anyways, good luck writing and with life and everything! LOVE THE STORY! UPDATE SOON!


smileinthemira chapter 18 . 2/16/2010
Dramamtic :D this is cute.
Clary chapter 18 . 2/15/2010
I'm not going to write an essay on how much I like this, because I'm not very good at that sort of thing so I'll keep it short; I love it!
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