Reviews for Vintage People
Ebimeep chapter 8 . 12/8/2010
Oh! Very nice and uber hilarious. :3
Auglersia chapter 1 . 12/8/2010
First of all, I have to congratulate you on your summary. At first I was thrown off by the mention of vampires, but the bit of humor you managed to slide into it was great, and let me get to know what Reeve's voice would be like even before I'd clicked the title link (your title is very interesting, I smiled when I saw it).

And that lead me into the first sentence- arguably the most important of all in this story- and I just knew I was going to like this. Within my first thirty seconds of starting this chapter (though I must admit I'm a fast reader) I was hooked. Congratulations on first impressions.

I'm reviewing as I read, and I just read the first interaction between Mr. Savior and reeve. It was one of those first moments that could be easily botched by making them too sarcastic and too witty so that it just seems rehearsed, but I think you did a good job, keeping the words simple. Too me, you're already standing out as a crazy-brilliant wordsmith and writer.

Wait, how does he know her name?

Well, your explanation about the biting thing was...well, not bad. I would have expected it to be longer, though considering Reeve took had such a casual response to it I'm not necessarily saying that the way you presented it was wrong...I'm just curious about her reaction. A vampire sucks her blood and she forgets about it?

Well, maybe I'm just assuming things too soon. I shall keep reading.

See, there we go. I'm still not necessarily happy with her reaction, but I definitely realize that the whole under-explained vampire bits are soon to be explained. Namely in the next chapter, which I intend to read soon.

Congratulations on a brilliant first chapter. I dearly, dearly hope that this is going to be an interesting take on the vampire phenomenon...

Yours truly,

subtly.obvious chapter 7 . 10/19/2010
wow i love this story. usually i dont really read vampire stories after finishing the twilight series but i liked the summary so i clicked on it and im glad i did :)

but im pretty sure that its duct tape, not duck tape.

its a pretty awesome story. please update.
mgaa chapter 7 . 8/9/2010
hey you haven't updated...

so when are you gonna update, hm?
Disney Is Hardcore chapter 7 . 4/2/2010
I love this story! The plot's believable (you know the sense I mean) and so are the characters. I can't seem to keep the smile offa my face when I read this.

Can Dale actually ready her mind, or does he just know her so well that he doesn't need to?

Raised with Fangs chapter 7 . 3/5/2010
oh oh oh!1 getting better an better! update soon!
Guestyguest chapter 1 . 3/4/2010
Keep up the good work. I love a laugh. :)
pagalindian chapter 1 . 3/3/2010
Wow, this story is really good. It presents the whole 'mate of a supernatural being' in a decidedly realistic and humorous manner. I am really looking forward to the next chapter (hint hint) . . . :) Stories like this make me want to write as well.
Arrdee chapter 6 . 2/10/2010

That is so sweet! Lawl. You know, most vamp 'soul-mate, bond' thingies usually come out crappy or without reason, but this one, you've very cleverly thought up and written.

I applaude yah! And the way they communicate is just so fun to read lol. It's like, he's always annoyed, and she's sometimes not even giving him reason to be annoyed (though she does) and still...

He gets annoyed XD

I like the way their relationship is forming. You're doing an awesome job with this my friend! I'm waiting for more!

Disney Is Hardcore chapter 4 . 2/6/2010
Despite the fact that I could very nearly hear him barfing over the words, my inner romantic was about to implode with girly squeals...

I love you.
Raised with Fangs chapter 5 . 2/1/2010
hm, awesome! very cool! i love this story plz keep going!
alwaysautumn chapter 5 . 2/1/2010
O-o-o-o-h *cue sketchy music*

Well I guess it makes sense right? Reeve never did like Laird.

I still stand by the fact that her 'friend' is a cow. ( it's 'friend' (air quotes)- because she doesn't really act like a friend) She just walks all over Reeve. This annoys me greatly. Gah.

Hehe. Happy connection feeling. Why does reeve have a black eye again?

About the review/acknowlegdement poll- I don't really have problem about either. I like them both. I guess do what's easier for you :)

Interesting chapter!

Muchalove x reeka
Shut Up and Smile chapter 4 . 1/20/2010
GAH! Cliffhanger, why do authors feel the need to torment poor innocent readers? Moving on - Reeve and Dale are adoreable :) They just don't know it yet, or do they? ;) LOL I love Reeve's inner ramblings they're hilarious! People like Monique are the reason everytime I go overseas I'm asked if we have higher education, nah she's awesome :D Good ol' Melbourne weather gets me every time - which is probably why I'm more partial to Brissy. Anywho I reckon this story is gonna be ah-mazing - I can't wait for more!

alwaysautumn chapter 1 . 1/19/2010
Hello, hello :)

Have to say I really like your story so far. The characters have quite a lot of depth for 4 chapters. And it helps that they are pretty funny.

Personally I am guilty of laughing at inappropriate times. XD So bad, and it was barely a month ago. Sigh.

But seriously her friend is MEEAN. Referring to:

Look at your face!” “You look like you’ve been eaten alive by mosquitoes. Even if you had, you’d still probably look better.” - Ouch. harch much?

“Can you believe him?” “Looking at me like it was my fault!”

"Oh, shut up, Reeve,” she snapped.“If it’s any consolation, I guess I’m sorry.”

I would go as far to say a typical b of the itch. Monique seems really self-involved, in general. Not just with her reaction to Reeve' reaction.

"He touched one of the many, many boil-like lumps that now covered my forehead and we all watched in awe as it jiggled, not unlike tiny, baby jellies." - Bhahahaha. I loved this.

Hahaha. A typical Melbourne day? Duude. Melbourne's weather is crazy. You get four seasons in a day. Though I guess that's what you get for going down at Christmas time.

“You have a huge lump on your eyelid,” Mr Saviour interrupted flatly. “I think it’s even moving.”

“Um,” I said. Really, what is there to say to that? Yeah, thanks, you prick; I was trying to salvage the few shreds of dignity I have left!

Naw. We'll isn't he a charmer? LOL

my brain feeling as though it was doing a weird hybrid of the nut-bush and the cha-cha inside my skull. - now that was an interesting visual

“That you aren’t exactly a normal human being, Reeve Rafferty. And you haven’t been since your boyfriend tried to kill you.”

- lovely finish m'dear :) I'm just really happy I found this after you had more chapters uploaded :) Because I already really like this story :) And it's only the first chapter. YAY!

x reeka
renegade01 chapter 4 . 1/19/2010
you can't leave it there! well, you can but...damn, 2 cliffies in one chapter. i've forgotten who laird is. i'll probably just go back and re-read.

“Yes, Reeve, I’m going to kill you and drain your body behind a dumpster so that you can’t tell anyone a secret that you don’t even know.”

dude, favourite line right there. that was classic. ;)
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