Reviews for Blue Eyed Sky
FoFannie chapter 17 . 12/12/2016
Please finish this story!
MayContainNuts chapter 17 . 6/22/2014
Please update! love this story XD
ChaosEvermore chapter 17 . 2/5/2011
Lol, oh god no! my reaction to not finding the little arrow that goes to the next chapter! Can't wait for the next chapter!
IThinkIJustFoundHeaven chapter 8 . 1/28/2011
I read "Awkward scene coming up next chapter" and I literally pumped my fists in excitement! Can't wait! Now I just have to click the button...
IThinkIJustFoundHeaven chapter 2 . 1/28/2011
I love how Bane's so homophobic. It's realistic. And I love that Sky is so flippantly gay. Just don't make him a TOTAL fag. (I mean with singing rainbows, and whatnot)
toinfinity chapter 17 . 1/26/2011
i was so veryveryvery happy when i noticed this had an update. Im love with the concept of bane and sky finally being together, and really? who can resist sky anyway? hes too adorable!

and you MUST, i repeat MUST update soon! If you dont.. thats just.. thats just CRUEL! how could you write the ending of this chapter and leave us all hanging like that?


Meanie. ;D i am so childish.

haha anyway, thanks you much!
LivinLyfe2TheFullest chapter 16 . 1/24/2011

this story makes me want a guy best friend even more than usual for some reason ooh and a gay best friend would be pretty cool too :D plz update soon :D
grrrrrrrrr chapter 16 . 1/4/2011
PixieLove chapter 16 . 12/15/2010
:)i love this story hella lot...but u really need to be updating. i kept checking fictionpress for updates on this. thank you for finaly posting it. update soon...please!
toinfinity chapter 16 . 12/14/2010
I loved it :D

Thanks for the update! Im really interested in seeng where Bane and Sky's relationship is headed. . .

I hope you realize you have me hooked. Seriously.

So, until next time :D!
FoFannie chapter 16 . 12/13/2010
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the update! I kept rereading the same 15 chapters cause I was starting to go a little crazy with the waiting! Lol. I loved Sky's family...Nathan seems like he will piss me off, but other than that I was very happy. This was well worth the wait. PLEASE DON'T TAKE AS LONG TO PUT UP THE NEXT CHAPTER. I'm gonna go Banana Sandwich if you do. Okay, I'm gonna check on Ellie and Jace...hopefully they have a new chapter as well. If not, that's a BIG HINT for you Madam Demon'sLolita. Subtlety is not one of my finest attributes. Hehe.
chewychester chapter 16 . 12/13/2010
I liked this open talk they had, it was warm, but they need some room to grow.
FoFannie chapter 15 . 12/8/2010
So i've been reading Seeing Eye Mate, and I thought I should check out your other stories. Now i'm addicted to another one of your creations! I LOVE Sky, and i'm so excited that Bane finally saw what a great guy Sky is. Please update both stories.

Also QAF is the best show ever. I've been in love with Gale Harold for a while now. Hehe.
Luce-Juice chapter 15 . 10/30/2010
I really. Like this story - hope you update again soon!
toinfinity chapter 15 . 10/18/2010
Hehe, dinner should be interesting!

Thanks for the update!

til next time!
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