Reviews for Brocade
S. J. Komza chapter 2 . 12/12/2009
I immensely enjoyed this chapter! It's so refreshing to read something so meticulously well written on this website. You should definitely consider publishing one day, because your imagination is quite colourful to boot.

I enjoyed the new character, Miss Ashley, because she is intriguing in her evasiveness, and the inklings you dropped in regard to the thickening plot. It's quite an absorbing mystery!


S. J. Komza chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
Well! This was very impressive. The effortless flow of the words really carried me away. I particularly liked the way in which you exposed the young man's ornate benefactress as a vulgar Society matron. With your subtly poignant intimations regarding her so-called 'pleasures,' you skilfully condemned the over-indulgence of the leisure class.

Fundamentally, this is a very unusual topic for a Victorian story, and I'm curious to see where it goes, and how the characters develop. My curiosity, as a reader, is also increased by the deliberate vagueness of the characters' identities. Very well devised.

All the best,
