Reviews for A Plus Love
Nothing But A Dreamer chapter 2 . 1/2/2012
I understand your sentiments but I can't help feeling frustrated. The opening was so good and when I clicked the next page, your note was given. It's okay. Good luck with your writing skills, don't forget that we're here to read them and review. I'll be waiting for your updates and until then my dearest author. I'll just go and read some of your story.
Delaney chapter 1 . 6/21/2011
Wow can i just say that its cool that someone is actually using my name in a story! i mean not that you picked it cause of me its just you never hear my name in anything! its sooo cool! plus i really like your other stories i think they're really good!
Cdelancy chapter 2 . 1/27/2011
oxBlueEyes15xo chapter 2 . 10/21/2010
aww I hope you update this one soon. Because I can see it's going to be good, I've liked all your other stories, so I can only imagine what this will be like.
xoxtina46xox chapter 2 . 5/8/2010
This is a great start to a sequel! it's sad it's currently on haitus at the moment, but hopefully you'll update eventually :) i can't wait until then
pendragone96 chapter 4 . 1/17/2010
i loved the one with jack and i alrady like this one
I Murder on Impulse chapter 4 . 1/13/2010
I love this story! Csn't wait for the next chapter :P


BringTheBing chapter 4 . 1/9/2010
I really really like this! Keep going! I'm hoping Marcus turns out to be less of a, well, hot bastard, but he's funny even being one!
Novella-Rei chapter 4 . 1/9/2010
Haa that made me laugh because, personally, that Tyson reminded me of a guy I know just like that . and he really is too cocky for his own good xD

Anyway, I'm still loving Marco more and more as this story goes on (Yay .
DELETE THIS ACCOUNT NOW 323402 chapter 4 . 1/9/2010
this chapter is so funny

aww.. marco and delanie are creating somewhat of a relationship :D
sappyromancelvr chapter 4 . 1/9/2010

update soon!
castiel89 chapter 3 . 1/4/2010
hey hun!

loving the sequel so far. marco has got to be one of my faves hehehe

sry couldnt leave a longer review, but i gotta go to bed :[

need the next chapter asap haha
Novella-Rei chapter 3 . 1/2/2010
Oh, I think I've said this everytime, buhh I can't wait to read the next chapter :D

And isn't Marco such a smooth-talker? xD but still, you have to love him ;)
The Rocket Scientist chapter 3 . 1/2/2010
There we go now. A challenge!XD Hoho, I can't wait to read the next chapters. Just take your time, dear. Don't feel We can wait.:D

By the way, I got confused while reading a part of this chapter.. It seems that you have shifted from the third person POV to the first and back again.. Here's the said section for your reference.


Delaney nodded her head in agreement, a finger tucked under her chin.

“Words of wisdom from Mr. Shaw…” She sent him a small, teasing smirk. “I’m surprised.”

He was about to say something, a sexual innuendo perhaps? Or a sexcapade narrative? Delaney would never know since two figures materialized in front of them and found the moment as a golden opportunity to tease both Delaney and Marco.

“Look what we have here…on a school night…having dinner together…” Alex Summers started, his hazel eyes twinkling in amusement. “My cousin said you had more restraint to reject Marco’s advances than I assumed. She was mistaken…obviously.”

“Shut up.” That was Starr, taking the empty seat beside mine. “Don’t tell me this is a date…please, please, please Lane…”

Laughing, she answered, “It’s not. Trust me. I’m not that desperate.” Here, Marco feigned a hurt look. “We’re just talking about the project. Oh, and before you say anything, I think you should reprimand Kennedy. She’s the one who gave him my address.”

“Seriously Marco,” Starr then said, hands on her hips, sitting across her cousin, Alex. “Don’t mess with Kennedy. Delaney might be seemingly innocent, but Ken really has a virgin mind.”

“So are you telling him he can fool around with me?” I sent an accusatory glance Starr’s way. “And here I thought we were friends!”

“Oh, honey, we are,” was her confident answer. She even sent me a wink. “But you can say ‘no’ to this manwhore…our poor Kennedy, on the other hand, cannot.”

“It’s still a mystery to me how you two are best friends, you know,” Alex said, getting part of Marco’s food without even asking. “But I’m glad you don’t always hang out with Marissa and the other cheerleaders.”

“And why’s that?” Delaney asked, looking from Alex to Starr repeatedly.


Maybe you could clear it up for us?:D

Thanks so much for the quick update! Have an awesome 2010 ahead!:D
sappyromancelvr chapter 3 . 1/2/2010
Haha! Delaney better hold on, it's going to be a bumpy ride :)

I'm cheering for her! Update soon!
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