Reviews for Dignity
Tan chapter 21 . 1/14/2018
Wow okay, this was certainly interesting. I absolutely love the twisted love plot.
crazycooti chapter 21 . 7/6/2017
Your stories are addictive, you know that?

At first I had been hooked up with agony which I thought would turn out into a cliche story where invisibel girl meets popular boy, falls in love, go through cliche problems and finally dig out their happily ever after. But you offered something else, you offered me a drug which I took happily in the form of this trilogy.

Stranger was intense, all consuming. At many turns, I was too annoyed by Amelia's ungrateful bullshit that made me want to bookmark the fuck up of this story and sag it for later (by later, I mean sometime fate many, many months) but how could I leave my drug? Thus I sacrificed my night to this story. And it was worth it.

And Dignity is euphoric. Finally, finally after decades of agonizing wait from Amelia and Nathan, they finally get what they deserved. Amelia realized what a fucking bitch she had been and somehow, I am grateful for Lucas for that.

The feels are too much. Thank you for writing this.
infinite101 chapter 21 . 7/7/2016
I just started reading "Agony" a couple of days ago and wow, I was completely hooked.

The journey that Nathan and Amelia have been through and their development over the three stories has been incredible. I laughed, I cried and I hoped so much for a happy ending and felt this really did them justice.

"Agony", "Stranger" and "Dignity" are all definitely going in my favourites, thank you for sharing such a wonderful series.
mgaa chapter 21 . 5/31/2016
about damn time... steer clear of drama and angst..i'm shaking...the story is soo f*cking mad pulls...and I suddenly am reading both at one sitting..i honestly did finish good...I'm staring wide-eyed at the screen...still surprised it happened...
Live-Laugh-Play chapter 21 . 3/13/2016
Hey I just wanted to take the time and tell you that this is really well written. I just discovered this saga and I'm very impressed with it.
Lucykins chapter 21 . 12/22/2015
Yay! A joyful ending! I wrote a feedback on Stranger during chapter 9 which was probably the lowest point in Amelia's story after being arrested, and right after that, things began to pick up. So yay for that.

This is a review for the entire saga. First of all, I just finished reading - not Dignity - but, Agony. I don't know if I'm the only one, and if I am then I must be really silly. but I started reading Stranger without realising there's even a prequel. It can say a lot of bad things about me, while probably compliment your writing since I hadn't felt like I missed information in order to understand Dignity and Stranger (you repeat the story in brief sentences on Stranger and Dignity and it just added more mystery to the background for me.), but I will say that if you ever get to log on this site again, perhaps add in the description of Stranger "sequel to Agony" etc..

I hardly have any negative thoughts about this story especially after reading Agony, it was my favourite part - I cried a lot.

Maybe if you ever decide you wish to publish this saga I'd suggest you add some more content to the story. I mean, there's a lot happening but it feels like each "event" is starting and ending really fast. Like each of her kidnappings. The fight with Charlie (which came out of the blue), the entire beginning of Nath and Amelia's relationship in Agony, Penny's pregnancy etc. Kinda feels like you jump from event to event without allowing anything to settle.

Uhhmm... So I love your characters. Especially in Agony (again) since almost everyone is so nice and friendly and Nathan is still in the role of a jackass kid which is probably my preferred character type. Amelia is also, really awesome as a kid. As a grownup too, since she grew up pretty normal and plain but as a reader in her mind you can see she is anything but.

The stories are really intense. Their relationship is heartbreaking. There was so much angst and misery throughout the stories that if you hadn't left off with a good ending I would have been immensely disappointed.
Thanks for this story, I'm glad I chose this one for my monthly dose of heartache. Hee hee, I'm such a girl!

Great work! :)
Guest chapter 21 . 11/18/2015
I would have become psychotic if you ended this story with a "sickeningly awful finale."

I. Loved. It.

You're so goddamn talented.
annayh44 chapter 21 . 11/8/2015
Yeah Finally Waaaah I'm so happy Nathan love and will always love in stranger- there was point which point out Nathan got flaws too..I don't think it's all Amelia's fault. But their imperfection is what make them perfect and I love them both can't denied I love Nathan was relief to know finally both got happy ending YAYyyyyyyyyyyy!
dipsydoodle1 chapter 21 . 7/29/2015
Excellent story!
ajashire1 chapter 21 . 6/13/2015
I truly believe with all my heart that everything happens for a reason. Fictional or not this story is proof of that.
This has been an amazing journey that I've been on with your story for the last two days and frankly it was breathtaking. As the story went on it felt like Amelia and Nathan were characters of my own. (and anyone in my family could tell you that my characters are my babies) So watching their story come to a close feels like nothing else. I had no doubt in my mind that they'd get their happy ending.
The only question was when.
Thank you for this read.

AIM021 chapter 21 . 6/4/2015
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! uwaaa I could cry. My heart just kept twisting and making me feel all funny because I was so worried about Amelia! ;A; I'm so happy that there was a happy ending! I just felt that maybe, it would end in angst just like the whole story, but thankfully, it was perfect! And it wasn't even cliche. Just infatuation. Obsession. Love. From both of them. (corny, yeah I know). But seriously, this was so much fun to read and now I feel so satisfies and fulfilled. It would be so awesome if this trilogy was actually published! Oh man, this was a pretty cool story. Plus, if you compare the first chapter of 'Agony' with the last chapter of 'Dignity', then the change in your writing style is quite clear and it's so awesome how much it's changed. I know this is probably gonna be one of those stories I'll come back to every few months just to reread and feel good about.
QueekyB chapter 16 . 12/13/2014
Where the heck is this going! I'm so confused
my princess ending chapter 21 . 10/27/2014
LITERALLY ABOUT TIME! I'M ON MY KNEES THANKING YOU FOR GIVING THEM A HAPPY ENDING. I was convinced that they were doomed for as long as they live. I talk about Nathan and Amelia every time I review but this time I'm just going to talk about you.

You are amazing. I am utterly in love with the way you write. It's so poetic and written in a way that I feel like I'm inside Amelia's head and thinking exactly the way she is. It's evident because when Lucas was telling Amelia all the wrong she's done, I didn't even realize it. The whole time, I was pitying Amelia for all the horrible things that have happened to her. And that's all because of how amazing you write.

The creativity in the plot really amazes me because when I read "He's pure gold and I'm not even breaching copper." I was not expecting this—not that I'm complaining. But honestly, if I knew how depressing and heart breaking this is, I don't think I would've read it. Believe me, it's beautiful and all but it makes me sad and I'm going to grieve for the next month or so.

I think the best thing is that as the stories progress, I can see your writing style change and improve. In the beginning, it's written a lot like other stories I've read but after reading Dignity, it's so unique and I'm addicted to your writing regardless of how heartbreaking it is. I love you, okay?
my princess ending chapter 17 . 10/27/2014
Congratulations with the pregnancy! Hope you're doing well!
my princess ending chapter 14 . 10/26/2014
The more I read this story, the more depressed I get. I pity them, both Nathan and Amelia. Though I shouldn't because according to Amelia, he's sleeping around with other women but I can't help it. He has this broken girl that he helped break and he can't do anything but love her. I should've stopped reading after the first story.
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