Reviews for Band Geeks Are Hot
Guest chapter 25 . 11/8/2017
I just lost hours of my lofe that i will never get back.
OdilleBlack chapter 52 . 12/22/2016
I know this story was posted ages ago, but I still really felt the need to express how amazing I thought this story was. You're a great writer, thanks! Xxx
omiobabbinocaro chapter 17 . 3/18/2014
She is SO immature and has a ridiculous temper. I'm tired of the stories where the girl is perfect, but she gets mad and has her feelings hurt all the time!
Guest chapter 53 . 8/2/2013
Callen* pisses me off. She acts like a self centered, spoiled bitch and it really grinds my gears. Sometimes I just wanted to smack the shit out of her. Bad character flaw. -.-
AKhwab chapter 52 . 6/15/2013
I am sorry to hear about your story getting plagiarised. If it makes you feel any better, think of it this way: If you weren't good, whoever stole your story wouldn't want to steal it anyways. So yeah... in other words, I am complimenting you by saying you are good cos you are :)
AKhwab chapter 50 . 6/15/2013
Hmph. I won't deny it; I think the ending is rushed and weird but if you're satisfied with it, then I can't have a problem now can I? I just felt that the story started getting shitty at that point when everyone just couldn't stop fighting. It really looks like Callen tore Nate's ENTIRE life apart. I thought the four guys were sworn brothers and all that shit but still I read about a sorts of fifhts and shit. I guess that's how things are in real life &I somewhat understand that you were trying to make things realistic were possible. Nonetheless, I was a LITTLE upset but whatever :) I am glad that you have a sequel cos I kinda cannot stand that things are still not patched up between Callen and the rest and all the other people. Then, there's also the fact that you mentioned alot of shit occurring in the guys' lives but you failed to elaborate on them :( I hope you know what I am talking about cos I am trying not to spoil this story for those who have yet to read this :]
AKhwab chapter 43 . 6/15/2013
I kinda agree with Josh. He's breaking the band up over a fucking girl. And Callen isn't helping. In fact, she is overreacting. I just feel that Callen has ALWAYS been overreacting. Is that some kind of character trait of hers? I didn't really get this entire chapter. I couldn't understand what is going. Like what is the plot?
AKhwab chapter 32 . 6/14/2013
This chapter wasnt so bad. I liked it. It was sweet. I just felt that you portrayed Nate as being too harsh on everyone around him. Is Kara really being that bad or are the both over-reacting?
AKhwab chapter 28 . 6/14/2013
Damn. I am kinda jealous. I have been looking for something like Maddie and Callie all my life. I dont think they are weird. I just think that if this was a werewolf story, who would be the soulmate haha. If you dont get what I mean, then nevermind :)
AKhwab chapter 25 . 6/14/2013
Oh my God. This seems like a happy ending but judging by the chapter count, I know it isnt. And the commentary... I must say, it cracked me up. How come Nate and Callie weren't bothered, especially Callie?
AKhwab chapter 22 . 6/14/2013
Tired of Maddox? NO WAY! I, for one, like him! Why is Nate doing this? Why is he always doing this? I feel devastated for Callie.
AKhwab chapter 21 . 6/14/2013
I am REALLY enjoying this story. I honestly thought Cal was acting super childish in the hotel room earlier during the 'band meeting'. I like how Nate and Cal are with each other but what was that cold shoulder about? The one he gave her in the morning before he left for the rehearsal? I feel stupid asking questions now cos I dont think you'll ever give a reply but one can hope, right?
AKhwab chapter 19 . 6/14/2013
You did a great job with this chapter. Is this the first chapter I am commenting on? I hope not! Cos you HAVE to know that i've liked your story since chapter 1! I was apprehensive about reading this story cos it sounded just like Shredforme's Dont Fall In Love I just finished reading about 19 hours ago. I'm glad it isnt. That doesn't mean I didn't like her story. I'm just glad both of you wrote about the same 'genre' differently.
Minglielizabeth chapter 25 . 1/2/2013
This is by far my favorite chapter ! It was hilarious how maddox&josh were on the couch watching their hot makeout session. I couldn't stop laughhing at their comments. I hope their are more funny scenes !
14582 chapter 17 . 12/27/2012
all I want in this life is for her to end up with Maddox gOd DAMMIT
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