Reviews for OneGirl
Drifter chapter 80 . 2/10/2021
Reading this on 2021. Still love this fucking pairing so much that I just cant help but tear up. I started reading this at 2014 and heck. I love it so much. Here's to hoping it aint dead yet
Guest chapter 80 . 11/5/2018
Since I’ve read this I don’t know how many times now and there’s no new update it seems, my minds just going to assume that:

•Jessie and Rachel are still happily together living their best lives!
•Did the tour and had a great time
•Happily living together with Buddy and Thomas’s cat that still seems to hate him... and Thomas too
Kub chapter 80 . 7/8/2018
Just giving this a little read through again. Still good stuff!
Guest chapter 80 . 10/6/2017
So like is it over... no more Rachel and Jessie? (sad face). Just reread the story and am even more hooked then the last time. PLEASE bring them back.
Ryo Oh Ki chapter 56 . 9/24/2017
I hope not too cramped, no good tattooist will do small cramped cursive writing because after 10 years it will blur into an unreadable mess.
105168421 chapter 1 . 6/5/2017
Dang, seems like it really is gone for good ):
Lu chapter 80 . 12/5/2016
Update soon!
Nejie chapter 80 . 6/18/2016
Next chapter pls.
setsuna.kobayashi chapter 80 . 2/12/2016
MORE PLEEEEEEEAAAAASE. fuck going slow, indeeeeed
Guest chapter 80 . 12/28/2015
Update please
Guest chapter 80 . 12/12/2015
Yes! Finally! I'm glade that I'm not the only one who has been waiting for this story and not the only one who had to go back a couple chapters to remember what exactly had happened. I've read Singer and Onegirl multiple times whenever I have spare time. Hope for another update soon!
Sinful Strife chapter 80 . 12/7/2015
Yer killin' me here with these teasing updates. Please. UPDATE ;-; but it's so good. If short. Update. Please :D
Lunaryon chapter 80 . 11/27/2015
*squees* Oh my god it's back!


I don't remember anything that was going on.

HEY! That means I get to go back and read from the beginning of Singer all over again! YAY
Lovelygyrl96 chapter 80 . 11/26/2015
So when I saw you update like a day ago my immediate reaction was MOTHER FUCKING HELL YEAH BITCHES. So I read the new chapter and decided to go back to Singer and re read that and re read OneGirl because I was like I need to refill my self with this absolute amaziness of a story. Lol so here I am just officially finished both in a day in half. I would of did it faster but thanksgiving preparation held me up so yeah. Anyway point is I'm happy your back because I genially love and enjoy this story. So I'm here waiting patiently for you too update lol so yeah until next time lovely. ;)
Guest chapter 80 . 11/24/2015
It's always good to see more Rachel and Jessie shenanigans.
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